Study showed massive use of antibiotics

In today's society, antibiotics are used extremely often to treat various diseases. Scientists now found out that one third of the prescribed antibiotics are not really needed. According to the researchers, most doctors' practices and emergency rooms are too lax with the medicine. As a result, the danger for antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains continues to increase.
Patients, doctors and physicians around the world are afraid of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The likelihood of such strains of resistant pathogens continues to increase as people generally use antibiotics too often. Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Pew Charitable Trust found in a recent study that about one-third of all prescribed antibiotics are not needed in the United States. The doctors published the results of their research in the journal "JAMA".

Every year about 47 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions in the US alone
Doctors and doctors prescribe antibiotics far too often these days. In the United States alone, about 47 million unnecessary prescriptions are issued every year, the authors explain. Mostly for diseases such as colds, sore throats, bronchitis, flu and general infectious diseases.
Health officials have warned for years that overuse of antibiotics is leading to the development of drug-resistant bacteria. But there have been no exact figures on the frequency of unnecessary use of antibiotics, the doctors say. The new study is so important because it actually delivers concrete numbers for the first time. David Hyun of the Pew Charitable Trust. The study analyzed data from two large CDC surveys over the period from 2010 to 2011. There, the majority of all antibiotic prescriptions were recorded.
The most important results at a glance
More than thirteen percent of all US outpatient visits (154 million visits annually) lead to the prescription of antibiotics, say the experts. Approximately 44 percent of all prescriptions relate to respiratory diseases, middle ear infections, sore throats, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, flu and pneumonia. About half of these prescriptions are superfluous because they are viral diseases, the experts explain. Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe antibiotics because they are put under pressure by patients or parents of patients, explains lead author Katherine Fleming-Dutra of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many doctors are worried about the increasing demand for antibiotics.
The majority of patients, however, rely on the doctors and trust them to make a correct diagnosis. Improved communication with physicians and physicians about the dangers of "over-prescribing" antibiotics is important to be more responsive to the drug in the future, adds Fleming-Dutra.
Super-pathogens are becoming a growing threat to hospitals and nursing homes
Excessive use of antibiotics has led to the frightening rise of drug-resistant bacteria called super-pathogens. The CDC has warned that such nightmare bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to the strongest types of antibiotics. They are becoming a growing threat to hospitals and nursing homes, say the experts. In the US alone, it is estimated that around two million diseases and 23,000 deaths each year are due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the authors add. By 2020, the United States wants to halve the inappropriate use of antibiotics. (As)