Study showed brain of women significantly more active than that of men

According to a recent study, women's brains are significantly more active than men's at rest and at work. Among other things, the new findings could explain why women, for example, are more susceptible to depression.
Brain of women is more active
That the brains of women and men differ, has already been shown in numerous studies. Researchers from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, for example, have reported that it is part of the female brain that makes losing weight much more difficult for women. And according to scientists from Stanford University (USA), same-sex work colleagues are usually more effective because there are differences in the used brain regions in the sexes. A new study has now shown that the brain of women is generally more active than that of men.

Brain activity at rest and during tasks
To reach their results, the researchers compared Dr. Daniel Amen from the Amen Clinics reported 46,034 brain scans from 129 healthy and more than 26,000 subjects with psychiatric disorders.
Brain activity was compared both at rest and in various tasks using photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
The results have now been published in the journal "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease".
Significant activity differences between men and women
According to the scientists, clear differences in activity between men and women were found in the 128 brain areas examined.
Overall, the women's brain was therefore significantly more active, both at rest and during the tasks. According to the researchers, the dormant brain of healthy women in 65 areas was more active than that of men, in concentration tasks 48 areas responded more strongly.
Increased activity was noted mainly in the prefrontal cortex. This area is important for focusing and impulse control, as well as for the limbic or emotional system involved in moods and fears.
In men, however, activity was higher in areas that control visual perception and coordination.
Different risks for brain diseases
According to study authors, the findings may explain why women often do better than men in areas of empathy, intuition, collaboration or self-control.
In turn, the increased activity of the limbic system may explain why women are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and eating disorders.
"This is a very important study that helps to understand the gender differences in the brain," Dr. Amen in a blog.
The research team hopes to better understand the differences between male and female brains and the development of neurological disorders through this and other research.
Both sexes have different risks for brain diseases. For example, depression and Alzheimer's are more common in women, behavioral problems and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in men. (Ad)