Study vitamin D oral sprays can reduce the risk of heart failure

Can an oral spray reduce the risk of heart failure? While it is well known that vitamin D improves our heart functions, can also protect oral sprays with vitamin D from heart disease? Researchers from the University of Leeds found that sprays containing the so-called sunshine vitamin may well have a protective effect on heart disease.
The researchers found that taking vitamin D mouth sprays can help improve our cardiac function. The University of Leeds physicians found in their research that a dose of vitamin D per day oral spray could help many people with vitamin D deficiency to avoid dangerous heart problems.

Vitamin D with a variety of health benefits
Basically, people should avoid any vitamin deficiency and now there is another reason why people should make sure they are getting enough vitamin D, the researchers say. Their study found a link between vitamin D deficiency and our cardiac function. Vitamin D deficiency is usually associated with so-called lifestyle choices and there is a need to reach an appropriate level, the experts explain. The so-called sunshine vitamin leads to a variety of health benefits. For years, there are quite a few vitamin D supplements in tablet form. For people with vitamin D deficiency and discomfort when swallowing tablets, however, there were no effective alternatives, say the doctors.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to an unnecessary increase in calcium in the body
Transdermal magnesium and oral vitamin spray has been tested in patients undergoing treatment for heart failure. Vitamin D mouthwash is more effective at improving cardiac function than tablets or capsules that first have to go through our digestive tract, the researchers explain. This very fast absorption is due to the absorbent tissue in the mouth. In addition, there is a rich network of veins nearby, add the physicians. The research also showed that our vitamin D levels decrease with age, and that an unnecessary increase in calcium may be bad for the heart, the authors explain. Lack of vitamin D reduces the body's ability to absorb calcium in the bones. The number of people suffering from vitamin D deficiency continues to rise daily, researchers suggest. Research by the National Health Service (NHS) found that about 75 percent of patients had an inadequate level of vitamin D. Some even had serious deficiencies. A daily intake of vitamin D spray can avoid many negative health consequences and diseases that are associated with a vitamin D deficiency, explain the physicians. (As)