Study Vitamin D in pregnancy protects the offspring from ADHD

Researchers now found that pregnant women can significantly reduce their children's hyperactivity risk. All they need is more vitamin D for that. This so-called sunshine vitamin we get, for example, by sunbathing, oily fish, egg yolk and of course by vitamin D supplements.
Researchers at the University of Southern Denmark found in an investigation that vitamin D protects the unborn children of pregnant women from the risk of hyperactivity. So expectant mothers should spend more time in the sun or adjusting their diet. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Australia & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry".

Study examines the value of vitamin D in umbilicals
In a Danish study, the levels of vitamin D in the umbilical cords of mothers were measured. In addition, the mothers had to complete a questionnaire describing the child's behavior at two and a half years, the researchers explain.
Children of mothers with higher vitamin D levels have lower risk of ADHD
The physicians found in their study that the children of mothers with a higher level of vitamin D during pregnancy have a lower probability of behavioral ADHD.
If the vitamin D level in the umbilical cord blood is high enough, it protects the children
One trend was clear: if mothers had taken more vitamin D and the vitamin D level in their umbilical cord blood was above 25 nmol / l, their children had a lower probability of having ADHD, says Prof. Niels Bilenberg from the University of Southern Denmark.
Smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity also increase the risk of ADHD
Other factors may also be linked to the development of ADHD. These include, for example, the age of the mother, smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity. A possible link between the intake of vitamin D and early symptoms of ADHD has never been studied before, explains Prof. Bilenberg.
Follow-up investigation could bring interesting results
"We were very surprised that such a clear link could be identified at an early age," explain co-authors Jens Bull Aaby and Mats Mossin of the University of Southern Denmark. It is impossible to say exactly which children develop ADHD in later life. Another follow-up study of these children could therefore bring very interesting results.
Further research could clarify the causes
Previous studies have already shown that vitamin D plays an important role in the early development of the brain, the experts explain. We can not say with certainty that vitamin D protects against the early symptoms of ADHD. The current study only shows a link between the intake of vitamin D and the development of ADHD. To explain this, we need to do more research, adds Aaby. (As)