Study separation from the iPhone causes stress

Separation from the iPhone creates anxiety and stress
According to a new study, smartphone withdrawal causes stress for many people. In addition, anxiety and discomfort often arise. And also the concentration power decreases. Follow-up studies should bring more clarity.
Smartphone users had to solve word search game
A US study suggests that smartphone users can be stressed without their phone. For the study, scientists at the University of Missouri have had 40 iPhone users solve a word search game while measuring their blood pressure. The researchers left the subjects in the belief in participating in a test for a new blood pressure monitor. The first time the participants were able to keep their smartphone with them.
Mobile phones in hearing and sight of the subjects
In the second round they had to hand over their devices, they were told that the phones were causing signal interference. The cell phones were kept in the hearing and sight of the subjects, but they had no access to it. The researchers called the participants while they were busy solving their task. So that the cell phone owners could hear the ringing of their phone, the scientists have previously secretly issued the mute of the smartphone.
Heart rate and blood pressure rose
As it turned out, the participants and their heart rate and blood pressure rose without a telephone. In addition, they suffered from anxiety and discomfort. In addition, it was found that the subjects were able to solve the task much worse. According to the researchers is not the distraction by the call reason for the reduced ability to concentrate, but actually the „separation“ from the iPhone. This could significantly negatively affect the ability to pay attention during puzzles.
Study not representative of total population
Since the subjects were exclusively women in their early 20s, the study was not representative of the total population. It is said that follow-up studies will show whether other groups with devices other than iPhones have similar effects. There was also no test run in which participants were disconnected from their devices but were not called.
Pain from the mobile neck
How much young people are attached to their smartphones today has already been highlighted in numerous studies. In addition, studies show that the frequent use of the phones not only make dependent, but can also cause physical discomfort. For example, Dr. Kenneth K. Hansraj of New York Hospital for Spinal Surgery and Rehabilitation in a study published in November 2014, the so-called mobile phone neck. Due to the malposition with a lowered head, the spine and the musculature have to bear a multiple of weight. The result of this can be, among other things, strong tension, especially neck tension, headaches and back pain. (Ad)
Picture credits: Robert Müller