Study seniors today mentally fitter than then

Older are today fitter and happier than before
According to a new study, today's 75-year-olds in Germany are mentally fitter than their peers 20 years ago. In addition, this generation is now happier overall. Towards the end of life, however, the positive effects sink.
Happy with your own life
According to a study, people in their old age experience more good years than their older counterparts did. As reported by the news agency dpa, the Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin announced on Monday that today 75-year-olds are on average about mentally considerably fitter than 75-year-olds 20 years ago. In addition, today's generation is happier with their own lives and feel better. The director of the research area „developmental Psychology“ of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB), Ulman Lindenberger, stated in a statement: „The gains we have seen in cognitive performance and well-being in Berlin are considerable and of great importance for the quality of life in old age.“
Average age of study participants at 75 years
For the study, the MPIB researchers and colleagues from the HU and the University Hospital Charité used data from the second Berlin age study from 2013 and 2014. The results of about 160 Berliners were compared with the values of statistically similar subjects of the previous study from the early 1990s. The average age of the couple was reported to be 75 years. As the HU Professor of Developmental Psychology Denis Gerstorf told the German Press Agency, the participants in the age studies, for example, had to undergo tests and be examined, but were also asked about their well-being. Involved in the studies were not only psychologists and physicians, but also social and economic scientists. The aim of the study was to learn more about healthy aging.
Increased educational level with positive effects
The scientists suspect a higher education level as a cause for the increase in good years in old age. Last year, for example, Ulm Lindenberger pointed out the positive effects that can come about when older people, for example, learn a new language or surround themselves with lively grandchildren. For some, this could keep the brain fit until old age. Various studies have shown that cognitive things, such as language learning, can be quite good in old age.
Seniors are also physically fitter
But seniors today are not only mentally, but also physically fitter and accordingly longer self-employed. Of course, older people are not immune to the loss of their intellectual property. Professor Denis Gerstorf said: „We believe that the observed positive effects on mental performance and well-being at the end of life are significantly reduced.“ Earlier studies have shown that life satisfaction drops significantly shortly before death. (Ad)