Study sweat odor can make people happy

Sweaty feet, cold sweats, cold sweats: Sweating is usually not associated with positive. Sweating is a normal reaction to regulate body temperature. Researchers have now discovered another feature: According to their study, their own smell of sweat can make other people happy.
You do not need to be ashamed of the smell of sweat
When it comes to sweating, many people initially think of cold sweat, sweaty feet and unpleasant odors. But when you hear a sentence like "Phew, wash it, you smell like sweat!" You do not have to be ashamed in the future. Instead of taking a shower immediately, you should still try a little further, because your own body odor could make people in the area happy! The statement sounds a bit strange at first, but is based on a psychological investigation, reported by the news agency dpa in a recent report.

Sweat odor works as contagious as facial expressions
The results of the study by scientists from the Netherlands, Great Britain, Turkey and Portugal were recently published in the journal "Psychological Science". The authors of the study have reportedly found that certain chemicals in sweat can make other people feel positive. Gün Semin from the Utrecht University in the Netherlands stated in a statement: "Our study suggests that sweat produced with pleasure produces a kind of emotional image of that good mood in the one that smells the body odor." According to this, sweat odor seems to be contagious as certain Facial expressions: For example, looking at a happy, laughing person can often lighten your own facial features.
Women had to smell manly sweat
However, it does not help to run from armpit to armpit in unfortunate times to cheer up, because sweat smell can not only make you in a good mood, but also cause negative emotions. For this it is crucial in which mood the sweaty is currently. If you smell the sweat of a stressed person, you react rather negatively. However, if you smell the sweat of a good-humored, happy person, this is rather positive. The researchers found out from a dozen sweaty men and a group of 36 women. The latter had to smell the sweat of the men. With the "finer feelers", the scientists explained the fact that only the ladies were exposed to the body odor. Both the sense of smell and the receptivity to emotional signals are more pronounced in women.
"Welcoming sweat" leads to honest smiles
Absorbent pads were placed under the arms of the male study participants after washing and drying their armpits. The subjects then looked at a scary or happy voting video clip. A control group was shown a neutral content film. For the second part of the study, 36 women were invited to smell on three different pads, each emitting a different emotion - fear, joy or neutrality. In the subjects who sniffed at a "sweat-sweat" pad, the facial muscles showed activity, especially in the forehead area, so they frowned and frowned. However, when participants smelled a "sweat-sweat" pad, they were more likely to activate the facial muscles needed for a so-called "Duchenne Smile," a sincere, joyful smile. These include the corners of the mouth and the eyes.
Results for perfume manufacturers interesting
So the smell of "happy" sweat really made the women smile, but the smell of "unfortunate" sweat caused a rather disgruntled expression. According to the scientists, the results show that we communicate positive and negative emotional states via chemical signals - to such an extent that a "behavioral synchronization" occurs between sweaty and smelling individuals. The psychologist Güm Seminin said that the results could be interesting for the perfume industry.
Sweating fulfills various functions
Basically, sweating is a natural process that fulfills various functions. On the one hand, excess heat is released during sweating and the temperature is regulated. However, as the new study shows, sweat also has a signaling effect on the sense of smell. It has long been known that sweat also contains sexual fragrances called pheromones, which play an important role in sexual arousal and reproduction. In addition, sweat ensures the preservation of the acidic protective coating of the skin by lipids contribute to the hydration of the skin. Excessive sweating, however, is not only uncomfortable, but may also be an indication of a serious condition, such as an infection or diabetes. (Ad)