Study pesticides as a cause of autism

Pesticide exposure during pregnancy increases the risk of autism
Pesticides are known as the cause of numerous health problems and still form an essential component of industrial agriculture. A new study by US researchers has now shown that the use of pesticides in the living environment of pregnant women leads to increased occurrence of "neurological developmental delay and autism". Their findings were published by Irva Hertz-Picciotto from the University of California at Davis, California, in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
The US researchers conclude that "pesticide exposure during pregnancy has a significant impact on the development of unborn children." The use of pesticides in the pregnant women's living environment increases the likelihood of neurodevelopmental delay and autistic disorder. Certain pesticides such as the organophosphates, but also the pyrethroids and carbamates, had a particularly pronounced effect here. The risk of a neurodevelopmental delay or autistic disorder was also related to the week of gestation at which pesticide exposure occurred.
Data from nearly 1,000 pregnant women evaluated
To analyze possible associations between pesticide exposure during pregnancy and autism risk in unborn children, the researchers used data from the CHARGE (Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) study. In 970 participants, the place of residence data during pregnancy was compared with the commercial use of pesticides in the area of 1.25 to 1.75 kilometers to their home address. Subsequently, the researchers examined possible associations with the registered cases of autistic disorders (486 cases) and neurological developmental delays (168 cases). About one-third of mothers during pregnancy lived within 1.5 kilometers of a pesticide farm.
Significantly increased risk of autism with pesticide exposure
Analysis of the data showed that contact with pesticides from the group of organophosphates during pregnancy leads to a 60% increased risk of autism in unborn children, write Irva Hertz-Picciotto and colleagues. The effect was most pronounced when pesticide exposure occurred during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. "Children of mothers residing near pyrethroid insecticide applications before conception or during the third trimester of pregnancy show both an increased risk of autism and an increased likelihood of neurodevelopmental delays," the researchers report. In addition, the carbamate applications near the place of residence were accompanied by the increased occurrence of neurological developmental delays.
Environmental factors with significant influence
While researchers say more studies are needed "to review the direct impact of pesticides on the development of the nervous system," the study clearly shows that "women should avoid contact with pesticides during pregnancy, if possible." Because it is clear that "children of mothers who were exposed to organophosphate, pyrethroid or carbamate pesticides during pregnancy, have an increased risk of neurological developmental disorders". Thus, science has determined another environmental factor that has a significant impact on the development of autism. In 2012, researchers from the University of Southern California published in the journal "Archives of General Psychiatry" a study that established a link between the level of air pollution during pregnancy and the risk of autism. Evidently, the pollution of the environment is generally to be assessed here as the decisive factor influencing the occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders. (Fp)