Study pessimists live longer than optimists

Pessimists live longer than optimists
A meta-study by German researchers revealed that pessimists appear to have a low risk of dying than optimists. People who think excessively carefree of an optimal future, they seem to negate with too positive thoughts. A pessimistic view is better for the health.
Trust your own body and look at the future without fear. So far, scientists assumed that this „positive basic attitude“ also complains a longer life. But a large-scale joint study by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the German Institute for Economic Research, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Zurich came to a very opposite conclusion that could be summarized in three words: „Pessimists live longer“. Those who cultivate excessive optimism in old age may risk a higher risk of disease and death.
For the evaluation, the scientists analyzed the data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), which were collected between 1993 and 2003. Each year, subjects should state how they are happy with their lives and how they assess their future prospects in terms of satisfaction. The answers were then checked with actual expectations. They distinguished the groups of participants in three age groups: „18 to 39 year olds, 40 to 64 year olds and over 65 year olds.“
Above-average picture of the future will die faster
As a result, those older respondents who rated their future prospects as above-average had a ten percent higher risk of suffering or prematurely striving for physical illness. Study author Frieder Lang from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg believes that „possibly pessimistic future expectations that encourage seniors to pay even more attention to their own health and protect themselves from danger“. However, the researchers can not provide evidence for the thesis.
The results in detail: About 43 percent of seniors „Underestimated their future satisfaction, 32 percent overestimated them and 25 percent estimated their satisfaction in the future realistic.“
Young people usually look unrealistically into the future
It was noticeable that young people, in contrast to older adults mostly one „unrealistically rosy future picture drew“. When the participants were in middle age, the assessments were mostly close to reality. The older the respondents were, the more pessimistic were the visions of the future.
A surprising finding was that pessimists seem to be very healthy and have an above-average income. „We were surprised that the more stable their health and the higher their income was, the more pessimistic the respondents looked to the future“, says Lang. According to the researchers, an indicator is also recognizable here. It may be that people are more sensitive to the limitations of their lives, says Lang. They are most likely looking to maintain their current health status rather than hope for alleged improvement, as the study authors write in the prestigious "Psychology and Aging" journal.
Other studies, different result
A study by Swiss researchers at the University of Zurich came to a completely different conclusion. A survey of 8,000 people found that the risk of death over the 30-year study period was one „very bad“ Assessment of their own health was about three times higher than one „very good“. The scientists believe that, in turn, their findings indicate that people who assess their health as very good also have opportunities to actively promote their health.
Largest long-term study in Germany
The Socio-Economic Panel: The Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) is the largest long-term study in Germany. Many disciplines use the data and numerous studies have been able to research breakthrough results. Every year since 1984, thousands of people have been interviewed by the survey institute TNS Infratest Sozialforschung for SOEP. There are currently around 30,000 respondents in more than 14,000 households. Among other things, data from the SOEP provides information on income, employment, education, health and life satisfaction. (Sb)
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Image: Tom2859