Study Every fifth surgeon takes drugs

Study: Every fifth surgeon takes drugs
In order to relieve stress and increase their performance, 20 percent of German surgeons have resorted to prescription or illegal drugs at least once. This was the result of an investigation by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Mainz under the direction of Professor Dr. med. Klaus Lieb, in which 1105 German surgeons had participated. However, it has not been determined which substances were taken and whether the drugs were consumed before or during surgery.
Stress and shift services create pressure
Among the reasons that the physicians for the consumption of stimulants information, including high professional demands, irregular working hours, hectic and long shift services included. „Surgeons are exposed to a heavy workload that leads to fatigue and stress. Not only does this increase the likelihood of making mistakes during surgery, it also puts pressure on surgeons to use drugs to combat fatigue, anxiety, lack of concentration, burnout or depressive symptoms“, write the authors of the study.
Legal and illegal drugs to increase performance
The study participants were asked about stimulants that were taken without a medical need specifically for mental performance enhancement and not purely for pleasure reasons.
Prescription drugs included agents such as methylphenidate, modafinil and anti-dementia drugs that have a stimulating effect on the body. On the other hand, in the freely available, legal stimulants such as coffee, energy drinks or caffeine pills were named primarily.
Among the illegal substances were cocaine, ecstasy, speed and similar drugs. However, the study gives no information as to what proportion of study participants consumed the listed drugs.
Consumption of addictive substances is increasing worldwide
Surgeons are not the only ones, however, who are increasingly using performance-enhancing drugs to protect themselves against stress and job demands. An AOK study recently found that more and more Germans are becoming ill as a result of consuming addictive substances such as nicotine, alcohol and cocaine - around 17 percent over the past decade, according to the "Absenteeism Report 2013". In 2002 there were still 2.07 million days off, which were registered in the context, 2012 already 2.42 million. (Ag)
Picture: Martin Büdenbender