Study Every 3rd student is depressed

DAK study: Almost every third student in Germany suffers from depressive moods
According to a study by the health insurance DAK suffers about every third student in Germany in depressive moods. The main reasons for this are a constant stress in the school and permanent pressure to perform.
Unfortunately, almost every third student in Germany has depressive episodes, according to a new study by Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse (DAK). Compared to grammar schools, pupils in primary and secondary schools are significantly more affected. According to the experts, the main causes are primarily school stress and achievement pressure. This is shown by a survey of almost 6,000 pupils aged between 11 and 18 who was commissioned by the DAK through the Leuphana University in Lueneburg at 25 schools in seven federal states.
Depressive moods very widespread
During the course of the study, 24 percent of the surveyed students stated, „Often sitting there and not wanting to do anything“. One in ten respondents agrees with the statement „no one understands me“. The proportion of students with depressive moods increases with increasing age - from 23 percent in the 11th year to 33 percent in the 18th year. The proportion of boys and girls is almost the same among those affected. However, the problems of respondents vary depending on the type of school. At Hauptschulen and Realschulen, the number of students affected is significantly higher at 32 percent than at Gymnasiums at 24 percent. Students with a migration background are particularly problematic. Here, the share was particularly high at a whopping 36 percent.
„In adults, the number of mental illnesses has skyrocketed in recent years“, explains Dr. Cornelius Erbe, Head of the DAK Product Management Business Unit. „The current study shows that problems often start at school age.“ Therefore, it is important to sensitize parents and teachers to the symptoms of depression and to provide counseling opportunities. The schools should also deliberately advise parents.
School life puts many young people under stress and pressure to perform
Most adolescents with depressive moods are worried about school life. The adolescents are much more likely to suffer from a stressful class climate, with strong performance pressure (43 percent) and school stress (23 percent) than their classmates. The victims are twice as often dissatisfied with their performance as the boys and girls with no obvious problems. According to the study, the boys and girls with depressive moods estimate their life skills on average as lower. 22 percent of students with depressive moods rate their life skills low compared to just 6 percent of those without depressive moods. „Those affected more often have unfavorable coping skills in dealing with problems“, explains project manager Silke Rupprecht from Leuphana University Lüneburg. „More than twice as many boys and girls with depressive moods (37 percent) prefer to avoid problems instead of actively solving them - compared to 18 percent of those without depressive moods.“ However, avoiding problems can help to stabilize mental health problems.
Help for schools and parents
Together with other experts, DAK and Leuphana University recommend carrying out targeted prevention and intervention measures. For example, life skills could be improved through special support programs for students with depressive moods. The goal is to learn creative thinking and the ability to actively solve problems. Starting points for the schools can be: Teachers and educators need further education on the topic of depression in pupils. Through cooperative forms of learning, solidary assumption of responsibility can be strengthened. And at parents' evenings, topics on behavioral problems and mental illness can be addressed in order to sensitize parents as well.
Parents should take their children seriously
Parents of affected children should take the feelings seriously and seek the conversation. A structured and consistent everyday life helps the young people to orient themselves and prevent stress. Through praise and recognition, competences and self-confidence can be strengthened. In addition, a physical balance in the form of sports activities in clubs can prevent stress.
The current study „Depressed moods of students“ was created as part of the DAK initiative „Develop healthy school together“. The Leuphana University Lüneburg accompanies and advises 30 health insurance companies nationwide, who have applied for the three-year project. Health goals are set individually by each school. The basis is a comprehensive survey of pupils, teachers and parents about school life and the school climate. A total of 5,840 students from nine main, real and regional schools, three comprehensive schools, seven high schools and six vocational schools took part in the surveys in May 2008, May 2009 and May 2010. (sb, dak)
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Picture: Gerd Altmann