Preemies are often more timid as adults

Babies born prematurely often start off very bumpily. Because the immature organs and vessels usually require intensive medical care, which is very exhausting for the little ones. But even in later life, the former "premature babies" more often experience difficulties, for example by dealing with their fellow human harder or less likely to achieve a well-paid job. This is confirmed by the results of a study by the University of Warwick.
Infections and diabetes increase the risk of premature birth
Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide. This emerges from the Global Action Report on Preterm Birth 2012 by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to this, one in ten babies is affected, and this is increasing in almost all countries. There are a number of reasons for early birth, but common causes, according to the WHO, are multiple pregnancies, infections and chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, pregnancy complications (placental insufficiency, gestosis etc.), smoking or psychosocial factors such as chronic stress can be the trigger, in many cases no clear reason can be found.

Preemies weigh only between 500 and 2,500 grams
Preterm birth is usually referred to as the birth of the baby before the 37th week of pregnancy (SSW), which means that it has spent less than 260 days in the womb. The so-called premature babies weigh only between 500 and 2,500 grams and accordingly need intensive care support, e.g. in the form of artificial respiration and nutrition. Therefore, the start of life for the little people is usually much harder than for so-called "mature" babies, and often it takes weeks or even months until the children can finally be released home.
Researchers evaluate personality traits of 200 subjects
But that often does not stop the problems. Instead, premature babies appear to experience more difficult situations and setbacks even in later life years, for example by achieve lower educational attainment or lower paid occupations. Researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK report this in the "Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition" of the "British Medical Journal". The scientists around the psychologist Dieter Wolke had evaluated the personality traits of 200 women and men for the "Bavarian longitudinal study", including the degree of timidity, risk-taking and open-mindedness.
All subjects were born between 1985 and 1986 before the end of the 32nd week of gestation and / or weighing a maximum of 1.5 kilograms. In addition, nearly 200 comparators were interviewed who at the same time had "fully developed" the light of day. The comparison revealed an interesting result, as the former premature babies were much more likely to have a socially withdrawn personality. indexed by introversion and reduced risk-taking, the researchers said.
Brains are exposed to significantly more stress after birth
The differences could be attributed primarily to impaired brain development. Because the brains of premature babies are exposed to more stress after birth because of the hard struggle for survival than the mature children. In addition, early-term tensions in the womb and "overprotective" parents could be the possible reasons for a later rather withdrawn life, according to the announcement by the University of Warwick.
"Personality traits are very important because they help people slip into adult roles and develop and sustain social relationships. Very premature and very low birthweight born adults who have a socially reclusive personality may therefore experience difficulties in dealing with social relationships with colleagues, friends and partners, "explains Dieter Wolke.
Higher risk of bullying and lower paid jobs
According to Cloud, previous studies have found that premature babies also have a higher risk of being bullied at school. In addition, it is less likely that a degree successfully completed and a well-paid employment will be achieved. Accordingly, it is important that targeted support be provided: "Early detection can support parents with certain techniques that can enhance their child's social skills and help compensate for the introverted personality traits," said Prof. Wolke. (No)