Study women love men with belly

Do women prefer men with big bellies? A British study suggests this assumption
In the general social and media image men are denied with big bellies. A British study now suggests that women prefer men with a stomach. According to the study „The men are more sympathetic and relaxed“. Although the informative value of the survey study is rather limited, other surveys have come to similar conclusions.
An athletic and muscular man. This is the general beauty ideal of most women and men. But a so-called. „Prosperity belly“ does not have to stand in the way of finding a partner. However, this only applies if the man does not suffer too much from obesity. A British study came to the conclusion that „a large proportion of women prefer men with a stomach“. Many women gave as justification, „the men with a belly are, according to their experience, more relaxed and have a better character“.
Well trained bodies are sexy but hardly suitable for a partnership
Although most women also said that they preferred sexually trained male bodies sexually, for the solid partnership that would be „not very relevant“. The cozy abdominal wearers would, according to some women „Time for the family instead of the gym“. In addition, would „the inner values“ have a large value share.
But much more supportive was another reason: Perfectly trained men would put more pressure on women. They would want the women as well „Perfect“ are. The interviewed women said it would be hard to drop the covers in front of well-built men. The own, supposed weak points would be further emphasized by the good looks of the trained men. However, there is a difference between extreme obesity and a small belly approach. On strong obesity were also most women in the said study not. In addition, obesity inevitably leads to serious cardiovascular disease, diabetes and thus to early death.
No scientific result
However, the validity of the study should be considered with some caution. It is not sufficiently secured by scientific standards. It was performed as part of the sale of the last DVD-TV season „Bad Neighbors“. The series often shows men with larger and smaller bellies. The result of the study can therefore be predetermined with suggestive questions.
In Germany similar results
In Germany, the market research institute Dialego carried out a similar survey study. However, men and women were interviewed in this study. 56 percent of the men said they preferred carrying a few pounds too much. Only 24 percent said they want to lose weight. The women interviewed also saw this in a similar way. For the teenagers, the result was a bit different. Here, 40 percent of respondents said that they do not yet know how much their future dream man should weigh. The majority of young women preferred lean or muscular men. (Sb)
Image: Brandtmarke