Study marriage makes you happy and stress resistant

Married people are happier and more stress resistant
The question of what makes people happy is the subject of numerous scientific investigations. A new study shows that married people are happier and more resistant to stress compared to single people.
Higher degree of satisfaction
For some time now, social researchers have been observing a higher level of satisfaction among married people than in married couples „National Agency for Economic Research“ (NBER) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, wanted to know exactly how „Catholic News Agency“ (KNA) reports. For this, the economic research institute drew up data that controlled how high the satisfaction of married people was before the marriage. According to the information, the result was amazingly clear.
Married people manage stress better
„The greatest benefits of married life arise in times when people are under increased stress“, explained John Helliwell of the „Vancouver School of Economics“. „People who are married can handle stress in their midlife years much better than unmarried people.“ The same phenomenon can also be observed in other difficult situations. It is said that, with few exceptions, this observation applies to people from many cultures.
Partner and best friend at the same time
Furthermore, the scientists went to the question, why the sense of happiness does not already after the „Honeymoon phase“ (Honeymoon - English for honeymoon) is over and found out that friendship is the most important link of a functioning marriage. Those who have found the best friend in their partner have twice as likely to be satisfied with life. „In everyday life, we must never forget how important friendship is“, said Helliwell. This is all the more true because in modern marriages dependence has increasingly given way to equal partnership.
Singles have a higher heart attack risk
Single people are not only more dissatisfied and more susceptible to stress, but they are also more susceptible to disease. For example, scientists at the university in Turku, Finland, have proven years ago that married people are less likely to suffer heart attacks. In addition, the death rate of women and men with Trauschein due to circulatory disorder of the coronary arteries is significantly lower. However, it was acknowledged at the time that the validity of the study results was limited, as factors such as better financial status, healthier living conditions and social support could also play a role. (Ad)
Picture: Helene Souza