Study e-cigarettes comparable harmful to our lungs as normal tobacco products?

Flavors in e-cigarettes damage the lungs
For a long time it was said that e-cigarettes are not as harmful to health as regular cigarettes. Researchers have now discovered that flavors in e-cigarettes can be as distressing to the lungs as conventional smoking.
Researchers at the University of Athens found out that flavors in e-cigarettes can be particularly dangerous to the lungs because they trigger inflammation there. The physicians published the results of their study in the English language journal "American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular".

E-cigarettes safer alternative to flammable tobacco?
Battery powered e-cigarettes are designed to help smokers abandon their unhealthy habit. But the use of this alternative causes enormous damage, say the experts. In experiments on mice, the scientists found that the additives, including flavors contained, cause inflammation in the lungs that resembles that of traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes have been marketed as a safer alternative to flammable tobacco, but the new research suggests that their flavor and supplements can harm the lungs as well, physicians explain.
Further research is needed
The observed adverse effects on the lung during exposure of e-cigarette vapors in animal models underline the need for further studies on the safety and toxicity of these rapidly expanding devices worldwide, say the authors of the study.
What does the vapor from e-cigarettes contain??
E-cigarettes simulate smoking of a conventional cigarette by dispensing a vapor derived from liquid chemicals in a refillable cartridge, which typically contains propylene glycol, nicotine and often flavoring. Propylene glycol is a colorless and odorless additive found in many processed foods and beverages. It is also used as a solvent in a number of medicines.
E-cigarettes trigger inflammatory reactions
Researchers compared several groups of mice that received full-body exposure to various chemical combinations four times a day, with each session separated by 30-minute smoke-free intervals. The results indicate that exposure to vapors from e-cigarettes can trigger inflammatory reactions and affect the mechanics of the respiratory system.
How was the experiment set up??
A group of mice received cigarette smoke. Three other groups of animals were exposed to vapors of e-cigarettes containing either propylene glycol, propylene glycol and nicotine or both ingredients and a tobacco flavor. The last group served as a control group and received only normal, smoke-free air. Some animals from each group were exposed to the treatment for three days (short term) and other mice to the vapors for four weeks (long term).
How did the fumes of e-cigarettes affect the animals??
The increased inflammatory markers, increased mucus production, and altered lung function were found after only three days in all three groups of mice exposed to the fumes of e-cigarettes, the physicians explain. But the animals, which received only propylene glycol, showed less negative effects in the long-term treatment. This suggests that the additive causes only a temporary irritation, which relativises with continued use, add the experts.
Some armomas of e-cigarettes do not seem to be safe
In addition, two inflammation producing proteins in the flavoring group were enhanced. This means that some of the many aroma components on the market may not be safe for short-term use. The condition of the e-cigarette groups alarmed the researchers. The level of oxidative stress and damage at the cellular level was the same or higher in the animals exposed to flavors than in the cigarette group, the researchers report.
Respiratory mechanics affected only by cigarette smoke
The e-cigarettes, however, had an advantage over conventional cigarettes: the respiratory mechanics were impaired only in mice exposed to cigarette smoke, but not after contact with the vapor of e-cigarettes. (As)