Study average men are weaker today than their fathers

How necessary is it today for men to have excessively physical powers? Office work, housework and caring for children - these are all tasks of men today. One study wanted to know more about it, and examined the gripping power of men. In fact, evolution thinks with you.
Study compares data with an investigation 30 years ago
According to a scientific study by Winston-Salem State University in the US state of North Carolina, men are said to be able to grasp much weaker things than their direct ancestors. As the two study leaders explained in the scientific journal "Journal of Hand Therapy", "the grip strength of the early 30-year-olds has fallen by 20 percent compared to their fathers".

In the study design, the arms and hands of the subjects were measured with the aid of a dynamometer. The 237 participants were previously put through their paces and were in the age group of 20 to 34-year-olds.
First, it was measured how the participants can access with the whole hand - then it was on the strength of the handle. Now the women and men should show how hard they can pinch.
20 percent less power
The results have now been compared with the findings of 1985. In this study, the hand strength of subjects was measured. "The hand force of the male participants is 12 kilograms lower than that of men in the 80s," write the researchers. "In arm wrestling, the average man of those days can beat the average man of today." In percentage terms, that's a whopping 20 percent less power than it was 30 years ago.
Now one could ask the question, if the muscle power had shifted into another body part. Instead, Fain and Weatherford explain that strength in the hands is an indicator of the muscle power of the entire body. Therefore, the man's handshake was a sure sign of his virility. On the other hand, those who use flabby muscles have less muscle power in the rest of the body. "Men are apparently weaker today," summarize the researchers.
Women are getting stronger
In contrast, the muscle strength compared to the then study in the women even slightly increased. Women between 30 and 34 can grab just as powerfully as their mothers. Thus, the superiority of the man in muscle strength disappears.
Is that a bad sign for weakening men? It is not appropriate to speak of "better" or "worse", say the researchers. Rather, "it is more of a change," emphasize the scientists. Today, the ability of "vigorous grabbing in the post-industrial knowledge society is barely needed." The fathers had to do their work while still powerful work, while the sons often only need the fingers to tap on the computer. For this reason, the muscles would also lose their strength.
Quite different with the women. While following the Creed "Self is the woman", they were able to maintain or even extend their power. This is also a sign of social development that is evident in evolution.
Muscles are a fountain of youth
However, the state of dwindling power can also have health consequences. So today we know that muscle power is a key to dynamism and agility. The musculature can ensure that we remain dynamic and independent even into old age, says Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University in Cologne. It was therefore advisable to compensate for the immobility in everyday working life with sporty compensation. Any movement stimulates the muscles. Whether it is endurance, swimming or weight training in the studio. (Sb)