Study Average Penis Size Determined

Study Average Penis Size Determined / Health News

13.12 cm: Study determined „normal“ Size for a penis


Since time immemorial, male adolescents and adults have been asking: „Is he big enough??“ Meant is the penis. Many of them even develop complexes because they think their limb is too small. British researchers have now in a study the „normal“ Size of the male member determined.

13.12 inches in length - 11.66 inches in circumference
Finally, there is a scientific answer to the eternal question of what the „normal“ Size for a penis is: 13.12 cm length in the erected state with 11.66 cm circumference. This has resulted in a study, according to the AFP news agency. Accordingly, the average length in the flaccid state at 9.16 inches and the circumference at 9.31 inches. The British researchers said that these numbers „the vast majority of men“ show that her penis is in „normal range“ lies.

Over 15,000 penile dates compared
For her study, in the UK trade magazine „BJU International“ („“), the scientists at King's College London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust compared the penile data of more than 15,000 men worldwide. The data came from studies in which participants had their penis professionally measured. Researchers used their numbers to create a graph that doctors can use to counsel men who are worried that their penis is too small. Such mental disorders can, in the worst cases, lead to depression and even suicide. The numbers can also contribute to the development of better-fitting condoms.

Only a few have very small or very large limbs
In reality, only 2.28 percent of all men have an exceptionally small penis, the scientists found. And a similarly low percentage has an extremely large penis. From a medical point of view there is actually no penis that is too small or too large, as its size does not impair its biological function or reproduction. Only in extreme cases is this different. For example, a 17-year-old from the United States, about which was recently reported. The teenager had undergone a penis reduction because the length and especially the circumference of his penis had prevented him from having sexual intercourse.

Men hiss 17 and 91 years
The participants in the various investigations were men between the ages of 17 and 91 years. A total of 20 studies from Europe, Asia, Africa and the USA were evaluated. Most of the study participants were reported to have come from Europe and the Middle East. The British researchers acknowledged that the results may be somewhat biased as men may be more likely to participate in a penile length study that is more confident in this regard. (Ad)

> Image: Klaus Rupp