Bisphenol A study damages sperm

Study: Bisphenol A damages sperm from males, at least when they come in contact with the chemical too often.
The worldwide chemical „Bisphenol A“ reduces the number and reduces the quality of sperm, a recent study. For a long time, the chemical has been suspected of affecting human hormones. A recent Chinese study underscores this suspicion.
Study shows that sperm are significantly affected
The chemical „Bisphenol A“ (BPA) is a so-called plasticizer, which is represented in all sorts of everyday products. Even children's toys and utensils such as pacifiers and baby bottles are made with this harmful chemical. The reason: BPA has a similar effect to the female hormone estrogen and thus has a lasting influence on the hormone balance in humans. A Chinese study now supports this suspicion. In the new, just released study, data were collected from 218 workers in four different factories in China. The BPA concentration in the urine was measured. These data were then compared to the number of sperm, motility and shape. A percentage of factory workers did not come into contact with bisphenol A during the manufacturing process. Other workers were involved in their work with BPA. The scientists around Dr. De-Kun Li of the US insurance „Kaiser Permanente“ in Oakland, California compared the datasets and came to definite results.
Those who came in contact with the chemical on a daily basis showed clearly higher risk factors. Thus, in contrast to the comparison group, they had a more than two-fold increased risk of sperm with reduced mobility. In addition, there was a more than three-fold increased risk of sperm with lower vitality. There was even a fourfold increase in the risk of having a greatly reduced sperm count. According to study authors, the measured differences were clear and significant. An association between BPA and deformed sperm was not demonstrated in the study. "The stronger the BPA exposure, the lower the sperm quality," Li told the daily „Washington Post“ cited. For the first time, a study has shown that BPA has a negative impact on sperm production.
Women also affected
But not only men could be harmed by the influence of bisphenol-A health. So recently warned the environmental organization „Global 2000“ before the mass use of the substance. Thus, the chemical can affect the hormonal balance of women and lead to disorders of the ovaries. "A new study suggests the connection between BPA and infertility in women, the plastic chemical can severely disrupt the hormone balance and lead to diseases of the ovaries," said Daniela Hoffmann of "Global 2000".
Lobby claims that high BPA concentrations are hardly possible
However, other researchers claim again and again that low BPA concentration can not harm the human organism. However, this does not take into account that BPA is widely used in industry. From infancy, people are inevitably in contact with BPA. Thus, the substance is found in baby bottles, pacifiers, food packaging, thermal paper, plastic bottles and many other other commodities. A potential separation is therefore actually not possible because it is a versatile used plasticizer. Burdens over a longer period increasingly burden the human organism.
Federal Environment Agency warns against bisphenol-A
The Federal Environmental Agency could not deny this fact recently and warned consumers and manufacturers against the use of BPA. Jochen Flasbarth, Chairman of the Federal Environment Agency, warned: "The Federal Environment Agency still believes there are data gaps, but the available knowledge should be sufficient to restrict the use of certain bisphenol A-containing products for precautionary reasons." There is currently no ban, but only a warning. In some countries, such as Canada or France, one is already beyond the warning status. Here, the use of BPA in children's products has already been banned. Labeling could force manufacturers to switch to other substances. Because then the consumer would have the opportunity to choose between BPA and BPA-free products. A general ban would be even better. (sb, 07.11.2010)
Also read:
Bisphenol-A damages sperm
Federal Environmental Agency warns of chemical bisphenol A
Study: Girls getting sexually mature sooner
Chemical bisphenol A found on receipts
Hormone-active chemicals threaten health
Picture credits: Dieter Schütz