Constant screen staring What helps against the dry eyes

Constant screen staring What helps against the dry eyes / Health News

Disturbed tear film: Against dry eyes, something can be done

According to experts, dry eyes are among the most common eye problems in Germany. Around nine million people are said to be affected in this country. Frequently, simple measures to relieve the symptoms can help. In some cases, however, a drug therapy is necessary.

One of the most common eye diseases in this country

Often it feels like fine grains of sand rubbing on the surface of the eye. The eyes burn, are reddened and are sensitive to light. The dry eye is one of the most common eye diseases in Germany, according to the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany (BVA). According to projections, about nine million people are affected. The quality of life of those affected is often severely limited. But there is quite a lot that can be done about the complaints.

Especially the work on the computer and the frequent use of smartphones contribute to the fact that more and more people are suffering from dry eyes. Experts explain what people can do about it. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Different causes

Modern habits often make more and more people aware of the feeling of dry, irritable eyes.

When working on the computer or looking at your smartphone, tablet and Co you blink less often. Therefore, the tear film is no longer regularly distributed on the eye surface and ruptures.

Staying in air-conditioned rooms, diet, certain medications and smoking may be additional factors contributing to the onset of the disease, which is referred to in the jargon as "keratoconjunctivitis sicca".

It is also known that it occurs more frequently in older people than in young people.

Protect the eye surface with the right behavior

But against the complaints can do something. As the BVA writes, one can protect the eye surface with the right behavior, for example by taking walks in the fresh air and drinking a lot.

During computer work, one should always blink consciously. Other experts point out that it is best to use eye pressure for eye relief every two hours.

In addition, a special eye gymasty can help those affected.

Also, enough light in the office should be respected.

If you are using a fan or driving a car, you should restrict the airflow and not direct the airflow directly at the eyes.

In case of persistent complaints to the ophthalmologist

In the trade, although drops are available for dry eyes, but the funds are often without effect.

In addition, they should in principle be used only with caution, as it can come, among other things by the preservatives contained to damage the eye.

With ongoing complaints but you should visit a doctor anyway.

In the ophthalmology practice it can be clarified whether enough tear fluid is formed, how long the tear film is stable and whether the ocular surface is inflamed.

According to the BVA, the therapy initially uses tear substitutes in the form of eye drops, gel or spray, which stabilize the tear film, relieve the irritation and increase the quality of life.

In addition, there are drugs that effectively treat inflammation of the ocular surface. (Ad)