Constantly staying in rooms makes you sick

Constantly staying in rooms makes you sick / Health News

Too much time inside: Little sunlight makes you ill


If you look at the evolutionary history of people in a window of contemporary history, you will find that it is a relatively new phenomenon that people wear clothes and stay mostly in houses. Several studies on this topic were published at an international meeting of scientists and physicians in Boston. The unanimous result of the researchers: „Anyone who gets too little sun and is primarily in buildings can become seriously ill.“

Through city life too little vitamin D
From the point of view of evolutionary research, we spend our time in sun-protected areas only recently. Only a few centuries ago, people spent most of their time out in the fresh air under the open sky. At the annual meeting of the American Science Association AAAS researchers reported amazing results of their own studies. Accordingly, the risk of disease increases greatly when people spend a lot of time in closed rooms. The problem: „Due to the few stops in nature, many people get far too little sunlight and consequently suffer from vitamin D deficiency“, says researcher Nina Jablonski on Saturday in Boston.

Weakened immune system and more infections
A lack of vitamin D causes a weakened immune system. As a result, the likelihood of having a flu infection, influenza or other illness increases. It also increases the risk of chronic depression or seasonal winter depression. „We are always told that UV light is harmful and that is why we try to protect ourselves from it by all means possible. That's good too, it helps to preserve the skin. But too little UV light can also lead to problems. "Jablonski warns that the only way out is to take vitamin D through the diet, for example, oily fishermen like sardines also have vitamin D. According to the physician, so-called nutritional supplements are also helpful. Before that should „however, be talked to the family doctor“.

The health is threatened
During the study, researcher Jablonski's research team compared the health status and living conditions of people with their vitamin D levels. The data from subjects were taken from studies conducted worldwide. „Our health is threatened by city life“, said the anthropologist from Pennsylvania State University. It is relatively new in human development that people spend a lot of time in light-protected buildings and wear excessive clothing on their bodies. At other times „People have not suffered from vitamin D deficiency. (Sb)

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