Constant Stress More and more young adults are suffering from headaches

Constant Stress More and more young adults are suffering from headaches / Health News
Number of young Germans with headache problems has increased significantly
The number of young adults suffering from headaches has increased significantly in recent years. This emerges from the current Barmer physician report. The main reason for the increase is probably the increasing pressure and stress that young people are exposed to.

Number of diagnosed headaches increased significantly
The number of young adults with medically diagnosed headaches has increased significantly in recent years. "In the period from 2005 to 2015 alone, the proportion of 18 to 27-year-olds with headache diagnoses has increased by 42 percent," writes the health insurance company Barmer in a recent statement on the presentation of its 2017 medical report.

More and more young adults in Germany suffer from headaches. This probably has something to do with the increasing stress of the young people. (Image: Alliance /

High dark figure
According to this, 1.3 million young adults are now affected by a medically diagnosed throbbing, throbbing and stinging in their heads, 400,000 more than in 2005.

But since not all people with headaches go to the doctor, probably a not inconsiderable dark figure is added.

"Surely many more young people have to struggle with headache than we know from medical diagnoses," said Barmer CEO Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Straub.

Pressure on young people is increasing
The sharp increase in headache diagnoses in young adults is all the more worrying given that the number of diagnoses across all age groups has "only" increased by 12.4 percent.

In 2015, a total of 9.3 percent of the German population were affected. Most commonly, headaches were diagnosed at the age of 19 years. 19.7 percent of women in this age group are burdened. For the men, it was 13.8 percent.

Why young people in particular are affected is unclear. Presumably, the pressure on the young people is steadily increasing.

Various causes
Headaches can have very diverse causes. In addition, there are different characteristics.

Among other things, experts distinguish between genetic or stress-related migraine attacks, tension-type headaches due to tension in the muscles, or complaints as a result of infections, defective vision or misuse of medication.

No matter what causes the discomfort: All sufferers have to suffer. "Everyday life can be a pain for headache patients and endanger their professional or university existence. Especially young adults need better prevention services, "said Straub.

Dangerous tablet consumption already in children
The importance of preventive measures can already be seen from the questionable use of tablets in children. According to a Barmer survey, 40 percent of children and adolescents between the ages of nine and 19 take medication if they have a headache.

The grip on the headache tablet should not become a habit for those affected. Because if taken incorrectly and frequently, painkillers can cause permanent headaches.

"People who take headache tablets regularly or even excessively risk their health," warned Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Szecsenyi, author of the medical report and managing director of the AQUA Institute for Applied Quality Promotion and Research in Health Care in Göttingen.

The prescription rate of migraine drugs is also alarming according to the doctor's report. Such medications have unpleasant side effects, namely headaches.

"The dose makes the poison. Those who resort to medication to get rid of headaches, at worst, end up in a vicious circle of tablet consumption and persistent headache. Those affected then sit in a pill trap, "says Straub.

Alleviate complaints by natural means
For milder ailments, simple tricks for headaches are often more effective than remedies anyway. For example, a few drops of lemon balm are applied to a piece of sugar and taken a well-known home remedy for headache.

Relaxation exercises to reduce stress can also help. Straub said: "Sport, relaxation techniques or a healthy lifestyle could help many sufferers of the pill trap." (Ad)