Constant back pain Mindfulness training and behavioral therapy relieve discomfort

Constant back pain Mindfulness training and behavioral therapy relieve discomfort / Health News
An 8-week mindfulness training or behavioral therapy reduces chronic lumbar spine pain more than standard therapy. This was the result of an American study.

Mindfulness exercises relieve chronic back pain. Picture: frankie's - fotolia

The scientists compared the effects of mindfulness training, behavioral therapy and standard therapy for chronic low back pain in the lumbar region. All patients received their normal drug treatment. The 113 participants in the standard therapy group received $ 50 and were free to choose additional treatment. 116 participants received mindfulness training 8 times 2 hours per week and 113 cognitive behavioral therapy as common.

Mindfulness training and behavioral therapy significantly improved functional limitations significantly more than standard therapy. Between mindfulness training and behavioral therapy no difference could be observed.

The pain could be reduced more by mindfulness training and behavioral therapy than by the standard therapy. Mindfulness training had long-lasting effects: the effect continued after one year. The study can be found here.