Constantly restless legs What really works against the Restless Legs Syndrome

If a restless legs rob sleep: This helps against RLS
Health experts say around ten percent of Germans suffer from the so-called Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). The disease often causes sleep disorders in those affected. Patients tend to long for a time of rest and relaxation. By the right treatment, the symptoms can be significantly alleviated in many cases.
Strong urge to move at night
Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) experience a strong urge to move at night and suffer from unpleasant sensations such as pain or tingling in the legs. Up to ten percent of the European population is affected, including many children. The causes are largely unknown. By the right treatment, the symptoms can be significantly alleviated in many cases.

Pain and tingling in the legs
In RLS, the symptoms occur when the body comes to rest. "Usually this is in the evening and at night, when a pull, tearing or tingling in the legs makes itself felt," writes the German Restless Legs Association on their website.
"Of the RLS patients, these complaints and discomfort are usually described quite differently. They can occur on one side or on both sides or alternately on one side or the other ", the experts continue.
For a large part of those affected, constant leg twitching causes insomnia.
In addition, many patients not only struggle with the actual symptoms, but also with consequences such as depression or anxiety.
Illness can not be cured
Health experts say RLS can not be cured.
In the treatment is often an improvement in sleep quality in the foreground, because the "stubborn sleep exhausted and desperate patients long for a time of rest and relaxation," writes the German Restless Legs Association.
"Massages and brushing of the legs, cold foot baths, squats or biking can be used to endure some evenings or nights," say the experts.
"Also general measures such as avoiding RLS-enhancing factors such. Coffee, alcohol, heat, heavy physical work, stress can be helpful in lighter forms of RLS. "
What can help those affected
Naturopathic medicine can also help sufferers, for example a nettle tea in combination with green oat straw (good quality).
In addition to light sports, relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation are also available.
Some people also rely on Chinese therapy for restless legs.
However, if all this does not bring the hoped relief of the symptoms, according to the German Restless Legs Association a drug therapy should be considered.
According to the experts, dopaminergic drugs such as L-dopa and dopamine agonists are in the foreground for treatment. (Ad)