Constantly tired and impotent? The best helps against autumn blues

When lack of light on the mood presses: What you can do against the autumn blues
In the dark season, short days, gray skies, cloudy weather and rainy afternoons make people's minds heavy. However, there are ways and means to improve the mood. In order to beat the autumn blues, you should eat healthy, move enough and fill up as much light.
When the weather hits you
Cloudy weather with gray skies, drizzle and cold temperatures and short days: The dark season can really spoil the mood. In addition, some people experience prolonged tiredness and listlessness, in the worst case even seasonally dependent depression (SAD). If this is not a true depression, but "just" a winter or autumn blues, exercise, fresh air and a sensible diet can help.

Atypical symptoms
"Seasonal depression (also known as winter depression) is referred to when the symptoms of a depressive episode show up exclusively and repeatedly at a certain time of the year, typically in autumn and winter," explains the foundation Deutsche Depression Aid on its website.
According to the experts, in addition to the classic symptoms of depression, an SAD has atypical symptoms such as cravings instead of loss of appetite and increased sleep instead of sleep and sleep disorders.
However, these seasonal depressions are usually less severe and less common than other depressive disorders. According to the Foundation, the majority of depressive illnesses in winter are not winter depressions.
Active against the autumn blues
One should not indulge in the autumn blues and crawl under the covers, but actively do something about it.
According to health experts, a lot of exercise is particularly beneficial here. For example, it is well known that regular endurance training has an antidepressant effect.
If that's too much, you should at least go for a walk, and instead of going by bus or car, go to work by bike and get some fresh air.
In addition, alternating showers are recommended to boost the circulation.
Daylight brightens the mood
Daylight also has a positive effect on the mood. This has to do with the formation of certain hormones:
Under the influence of sunlight, the human body produces more endorphins and releases more of the mood-brightening messenger serotonin.
On dark days, on the other hand, the hormone melatonin is increasingly formed, which has an effect on the sleep-wake cycle of the body and depresses the mood.
If you can not get enough sunlight outside, you can also try a light therapy.
Patients are advised to "expose themselves to a strong light source every day for 30 to 40 minutes (2,500 to 10,000 lux illuminance)", writes the German Depressionshilfe Foundation.
"The treatment takes several days to a week. After one week, 60% of patients with seasonal depression experience an improvement in their condition, "it continues.
Also the medical service of the health insurance companies certifies the light therapy with SAD in the "IGeL monitor" a "tendentially positive" use.
Take the weather as it is
It is also helpful not to moan all the time about the bad season, but instead try to look at the beautiful sides of autumn and winter and do things that make you happy.
For example, people who like to cook, invite friends to eat together, and people who love the warmth can go to the sauna.
In addition, there is nothing wrong with making a good book and a delicious cup of tea - wrapped in a blanket - on the couch comfortable.
Also cuddly units help against the autumn blues. Because "touch stimuli trigger biochemical and bioelectric processes in the brain," as Dr. Martin Grunwald of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig stated in a statement.
As a result, certain hormones and neurotransmitters are released and formed, which influence the brain activity and positively change the physical condition.
Sufficient hydration and healthy food
Other tips against the winter blues: Absolutely pay attention to adequate fluid intake.
Because in addition to sport and light, water also helps to reduce symptoms such as tiredness and lack of motivation.
In addition, food plays an important role in how fit or tired people feel. Local vegetables like cabbage and co can help keep you fit in winter.
In general, the diet should not contain too much fat. Ideal is a vitamin-rich and full-fledged diet. Instead of high-calorie chocolate bars, prefer to pack fruits such as apples, bananas or grapes as snacks. (Ad)