Increasing alcohol abuse among adolescents

Increasing alcohol abuse among adolescents / Health News

An evaluation of medical records has shown that alcohol abuse among young people has risen rapidly. In addition, a significant increase in mental disorders was noted in young people under the age of 21 years.

Teenagers are increasingly suffering from alcohol addiction and mental disorders. The KKH Alliance, in cooperation with the Hannover Medical School (MHH), has evaluated 200,000 medical records of adolescents and young adults and has encountered a worrying trend: Alcohol abuse and the number of mental illnesses have increased significantly among young people under the age of 21.

Alcohol abuse and mental disorders are increasing
The health insurance KKH-Allianz, in cooperation with the MHH, has developed the current White Paper on the health of adolescents and young adults. For this, the experts have evaluated the medical history of 200,000 persons between the ages of 12 and 21 years. The result is frightening, as researchers have found that adolescents suffer more and more from mental disorders and alcohol abuse has also increased dramatically.

Every sixth doctor for mental health problems
According to the study, more than one in six adolescents receive treatment at least once a year for depression, stress, anxiety or other mental health problems. An expression of the fact that an increasing number of adolescents does not seem to be up to the ever increasing burdens of everyday life. Previous studies have already shown that severe emotional and behavioral problems are more common among adolescents than common physical problems such as asthma or diabetes. Thus, the KiGGS study of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) on the health of children and adolescents in Germany
from the year 2008 found that about 15 percent of German children and adolescents an "increased risk of mental abnormalities“ to have. About one fifth of children and adolescents worldwide are considered to be national and international „psychologically noticeable“.

Increase in alcohol cases by 166 percent
Even more worrying is the statements of the White Paper of the KKH, according to the development of alcohol abuse of young people. For example, between the years 2000 and 2008, this number increased by 166 percent in the cases investigated. Among adolescents aged 17 to 21 years, the alcohol cases have even tripled.

According to federal states, most of them were hospitalized for alcohol abuse in Bremen and the least in Hamburg. „The trend continues unchecked in 2009 as well“, the opinion of the researchers on the current results compared to the „FOCUS“. The experts assume that the number of adolescents who have to be hospitalized for alcohol abuse has at least doubled in Germany since 1990. In particular, the so-called binge drinking enjoyed in recent years among the young people of increasing popularity, with the average age of the first consumption is about 14 years.

Since the organism of adolescents is not yet fully grown and therefore alcohol can have a far more fatal effect on health than in adults, there is an urgent need for action not only according to the White Paper of the KKH. Education and prevention must be given even higher priority so that the foundation for a lifelong alcohol addiction is not laid at a young age. (sb, 06.11.2010)

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Image: Paul-Georg Meister