Increasing satisfaction In old age, mental health improves

Increasing satisfaction In old age, mental health improves / Health News
As we age, our overall mental health improves
As we age, our physical health deteriorates. Our cognitive abilities and our memory also suffer. But there is also good news for all the elderly. Researchers found that overall mental health is improving. These include, for example, mood, well-being and the ability to cope with stress.

Certainly in old age there are some disadvantages to our health. However, scientists at the UC San Diego Center for Healthy Aging found that aging also brings health benefits to me. We can handle stress more easily, our well-being is better and we are happier. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Clinical Psychology".

Our body degrades in old age. Also, our memory does not get better as we get older. But medics have now discovered that our mental health is increasing in old age. (Photo: aletia2011 /

Researchers surveyed more than 1,500 subjects
A survey of more than 1,500 Americans, ages 21 to 99, found that people between the ages of 20 and 30 are most stressed and depressed, the authors say. Older people and especially people over 90 years were most often satisfied. The scientists found a clear and linear relationship between age and mental health in their work. The older people were, the happier and happier they were, the experts add.

Age has clear emotional benefits
The consistency was really striking, says author Dilip Jeste of the UC San Diego Center for Healthy Aging. Older people were just happier, happier, less depressed and stress free. The experts on the psychology of aging further explained that the new findings show the clear emotional benefits of old age.

Older people change their general views about life
Despite the many well documented health disadvantages of old age, there is an improvement in emotional well-being, say the doctors. This seems quite paradoxical at first. Exact reasons could be manifold. For example, older people change their general views about life because they realize that their remaining time on earth is finite, the scientists explain. Through this insight, many older people are broadening their horizons, focusing on meaningful activities and enjoying their lives. Many older people also volunteer for volunteer work. It has already been noted that such voluntary activities improve mental health in old age.

Leading more wisdom to greater satisfaction?
Improved mental health in old age could also be partly due to the fact that people in old age are getting wiser. This wisdom is a so-called Mutli-component personality trait that includes empathy, compassion, self-knowledge, openness to new ideas, determination, and emotional regulation, say the experts. As we get older, we make better social choices. This is because of the greater experience we have accumulated throughout our lives. In such decisions the wisdom acts directly, explains author Jeste.

The physiology of the brain is responsible for the increased satisfaction?
Another possible explanation for the emotional benefits of aging may come from the brain's physiology. Studies of the brain show that older people are generally better at dealing with stressful images. When the scientists showed old and young people the pictures of a smiling baby, both groups activated the emotion-associated areas of the brain. The image of a car accident produced a lot of emotional activity in the brain of young people. Older people showed a much lower response, explain the doctors.

Young people have the most fears and depression
We are increasingly trying to stop our aging. Here, there are many supposed miracle drugs for a longer youth to buy, but also through nutrition and physical activity, we try to stay young longer. Only recently have researchers investigated whether the aging process is slowed down more by endurance or strength training.

Another important finding from the current study is that young people are living a very stressful time with many fears and depression, say the experts. It may well be that age is associated with a reduction in the risk factors for mental health. Older adults may not have to deal with so many stress factors. (As)