Vermicelli - Healthy Vegetables of the Year 2018 elected

Vermicelli - Healthy Vegetables of the Year 2018 elected / Health News
Vegetables of the year: the rutabaga
The rutabaga was once considered "poor people food" and was not very popular. For some years, the vegetables but again acceptable and receives more and more in the kitchen. The Association for the Conservation of Crop Variety (VEN) has named the rutabaga Vegetables of the Year 2017 and 2018 in order to bring the old crop into the spotlight of the public.

Healthy and tasty: rutabaga. Image: TwilightArtPictures - fotolia

The rutabaga is not only an all-rounder in the kitchen, but also low in calories and healthy. Botanically, the rutabaga is a cross between rape (Brassica rapa) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea).

During the First World War, the turnip winter 1916/17 went down in history, informs the VEN. After a complete failure of the potato harvest food was so scarce that the rutabaga was distributed to the population. Almost everything was prepared this winter on the basis of simple vegetables, even jam and coffee substitutes.

At the present time, the rutabaga, also called turnip or yellow turnip, is experiencing a renaissance. The high sugar content gives it a fine, dry taste. Valuable ingredients include vitamins B1, B2 and C and minerals such as calcium and mustard oils. Beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, gives the pulp its yellow color.

The rutabaga can be used in many ways in the kitchen. It tastes not only in hearty soups and stews, but also in pancakes and grated in a raw salad. A turnip puree goes well with meat and fish. When shopping, plump beets with a smooth skin are the best choice. The specimens may not be too large, otherwise they will taste woody. Before preparation, the turnip is thoroughly washed and peeled. Too long, the vegetables should not cook, as a charred taste may arise. Heike Kreutz, bzfe