Mosquito hunting for mosquito atlas in germany

Mosquito hunting for mosquito atlas in germany / Health News

Mosquito Atlas detects spread of mosquitoes in Germany


Especially on balmy summer nights, mosquitoes quickly become a nuisance. In order to protect themselves better from the annoying insects, Potsdamer researchers are planning the creation of a nationwide mosquito atlas, because we have long been in our latitudes also mosquitoes, which are native to the Mediterranean, for example. Blame is the climate change.

Citizens should collect mosquitoes
In order to collect as many species of mosquitoes as possible for the German Mosquito Atlas, the scientists around Ina Pokorny from the Potsdam Museum of Natural History call on the population to help. Locations and species should also be listed online in a map. This task is particularly interesting, since no longer exclusively local mosquitoes occur in our climes. Due to climate change, even more exotic species survive. The mosquito Atlas should provide information about the different species and their distribution.

The scientists hope for popular support. In the „Mosquito hunting“ however, some rules should be followed. „We only need mosquitoes. They should not be crushed, but caught as intact as possible“, explains Ina Pokorny. Based on the scales and bristles, the researchers could close on the mosquito species.

When the insects are first caught in a large mason jar, they usually remain intact. „If you then put the glass in the fridge for a while, you can easily move the mosquitoes into a smaller container afterwards“, reports Pokorny. To kill the animals, one night in the freezer is sufficient. Afterwards, the gnat catchers can print out a corresponding form on the Internet, fill it out and send it together with the find to the Brandenburg Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research. Postage costs must be borne by yourself. If you would like to know what type of mosquito it is with its find, simply enter an email address in the form.

Mosquito catchers from Potsdam and the surrounding area can also give the animals away to the scientists in the natural history museum. There, live mosquitoes are then frozen at minus 80 degrees, so that the insects at the Robert Koch Institute can also be examined for viruses and worms.

Researchers hope for previously undiscovered mosquito species
„We also need the most detailed information possible about the site“, explains Pokorny. „The best way to specify the district and the exact location - cellar or garden, for example.“ The scientists suspect that so far unknown mosquito species could be discovered. Around 3,500 species are currently known worldwide. 49 species are native to Germany. Julian Heiermann from the German Nature Conservation Union (Nabu) explains how more exotic species reach Germany as well: „In particular, when transporting goods, mosquitoes or their larvae are sometimes inadvertently imported.“ Even in passenger aircraft, insects can „stowaways“ travel with.

However, there is no reason for concern, as in the Federal Republic no case was registered in which a person was infected by a mosquito with a disease. The only unpleasant side effect of the insects are itchy mosquito bites in our latitudes.

Home remedies and natural remedies for mosquito bites
To prevent infection by pathogens in the open skin, fresh mosquito bites should be disinfected immediately. Especially in damp weather, unpleasant and even dangerous skin reactions caused by bacteria can occur, as reported by the European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF) in Berlin. Mosquito bites should never be scratched.

Relief can provide a cold cloth for itchy mosquito bites, which cools the puncture site. It is best to use a cloth that is repeatedly soaked in cold water until the itching subsides. On ice cubes, however, should be omitted in the cooling, as these frostbite can cause the skin.

In naturopathy different homeopathic remedies are used to relieve the symptoms, among others „Staphysagria C 200 "or too „Staphisagria D 3 Dil "count. (Ag)

Also read about mosquitoes:
New York mosquitoes infected with dangerous virus
Spread of the West Nile virus in Europe
Dangerous tropical fever by bush mosquitoes
Climate change: Dengue fever reaches Europe

Picture credits: Peashooter