Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of dementia enormously

Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of dementia enormously / Health News

Strong drinkers risk the risk of dementia

People who drink alcohol frequently and often have a high risk of developing dementia early on. This emerges from the largest study to date on this topic. In about 39 percent of the 57,000 cases of early onset dementia, those affected were predicted to drink heavily. In 18 percent of cases there was a diagnosis of alcohol problems. Overall, scientists were able to associate alcohol problems with a three times higher risk for all types of dementia.

Dementia is a widespread disease affecting between five and seven percent of people over the age of 60 and older and is a major cause of disability in people over the age of 60 worldwide. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between alcohol problems and dementia risk, with a focus on early onset dementia before the age of 65. The study was conducted by the team around Michaël Schwarzinger of the "Translational Health Economics Network" in Paris and recently published in the journal "The Lancet Public Health".

A new study confirms the already suspected link between increased alcohol consumption and the development of early dementia. (Image: Michael Traitov / fotolia.com)

Strong drinking in the general population should be reduced

Researchers analyzed hospital data from adult patients hospitalized between 2008 and 2013 in France for alcohol consumption and dementia. 57,353 patents suffered from early onset dementia. In 22,338 people, or 38.9 percent, excessive alcohol or alcohol dependence was detected. The researchers cited alcohol abuse disorders as a significant risk factor for all types of dementia, including Alzheimer's. The research team suggests that patients should be more closely monitored for their drinking habits, so that treatment can be offered as appropriate. In addition, other measures should be considered to reduce heavy drinking in the general population.

From when is considered a heavy drinker?

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, being a heavy drinker means having more than 60 grams of alcohol in a day at least once a month. In women, the strong drinking starts already from 40 grams of alcohol. This amount of once consumed alcohol is responsible for many acute consequences such as alcohol poisoning, injuries and violence.

This type of drinking is harmful even to those whose average alcohol intake is relatively low. You consume over 60 grams of alcohol when drinking, for example, five bottles of beer (330 ml each) or six glasses of wine (100 ml each). 40 grams of alcohol are in just over a liter of beer or just under half a liter of wine.

Guidelines for alcohol abuse

Dr. Sara Imarisio, research director at Alzheimer's Research UK, commented in a press release: "This well-conducted study looked at the medical records of thousands of people and highlighted a strong link between harmful alcohol use and dementia risk." This is not the first time that research has uncovered a link between alcohol abuse and dementia, and the findings would give even more weight to the demands for guidelines on alcohol abuse.

Not only heavy drinkers are affected

"Since this study only looked at those who were hospitalized because of chronic heavy alcohol consumption, it does not show the full extent of the link between alcohol consumption and dementia risk," says Imarisio. Previous research has shown that even moderate alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on brain health. People should not have the impression that only drinking up to hospitalization is a risk.

How to protect yourself from dementia?

"Taking steps to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume can have far-reaching health benefits and is not limited to improving brain health," Dr. Imarisio. Although there is no sure way to completely prevent dementia, measures to stay moderate in bodyweight, stay physically and mentally active, eat a healthy, balanced diet, not smoke, and maintain weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure to support his brain in old age.

The study meets broad support in the medical world

Commenting on the study, Professor Clive Ballard of the University of Exeter Medical School in the United Kingdom wrote: "Your study is immensely important and highlights the potential for alcohol abuse and alcohol consumption as modifiable risk factors for dementia prevention." James Nicholls, Director of Policy and Research Development at Alcohol Research UK commented on the study, "If heavy drinking increases the risk of dementia, then there are huge social and economic implications." Widely available alcohol treatment would have important long-term benefits, including: the reduction of dementia in society. (Vb)