Athletes should not drink too much

Athletes should absorb fluid in small quantities
During exercise, the body loses by sweating larger amounts of fluid that must be re-supplied promptly to avoid health problems. However, athletes should by no means take huge amounts of fluids, as this can cause more problems in the worst case, explains the renowned sports physician Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne. „Scientifically proven, the body can process and use a maximum of 0.8 to 1.0 liters of liquid per hour“, so happy. The intake should be done in small portions and swallowing.
From larger amounts of drinking in a short time advises the expert urgently. Because though „Water is toxic to the organism in any way or dose, there is the phenomenon that the water absorption occurs faster than its excretion“, reports Prof. Froböse. Worst case would be „The body fluids are diluted so much that it can lead to potentially dangerous shifts in the electrolyte balance“, said the sports physician. As an example, the professional calls an event at the London Marathon 2007, as „a young athlete drank several liters after the marathon in a very short time and thus withdrew important salts from the organism.“ This ultimately led to the death of the man.
Sufficient hydration during exercise important
In general - and in sports in particular - care must be taken that the body is supplied with sufficient fluid. Because „In general, at least half a liter of fluid will evaporate over our skin in one day, even if we do not exert excessive physical effort“ reports Froböse. The expert advises, either to drink before the feeling of thirst, or at the latest as soon as light thirst begins. Athletes should therefore always carry enough water or other adequate drinks with them. Because one „Disruption in the water balance of the body can lead to significant problems such as tiredness, difficulty concentrating, thrombosis, reduced heart rate, falling blood pressure or impaired skin circulation“, explains the sports physician.
Drink in small sips and do not drink too cold
Already one liter of fluid loss can reduce performance by ten percent, according to Prof. Froböse. Therefore, up to one liter of fluid should be taken up to a maximum of 60 minutes after exercise. With intensive load the demand increases accordingly and „For longer periods of time (longer than 60 minutes), there should be some breaks during the sport“, Froböse continues. It is also important that the drinks are not too cold, otherwise the body has to spend additional energy to warm them up. Lukewarm drinks - ideally water or unsweetened teas - are best. How much fluid a person needs a day, according to the expert also depends on the body weight. Normal is a need of two to three liters per day. In order to avoid performance losses and possible health problems, this amount should preferably not be undercut. (Fp)
Picture credits: Siegfried Fries