Athletes recover faster after injuries?

Athletes in top form are faster fit again after a breach as a sport muffle: This is a widespread view, which also seems to be confirmed by professionals such as from the football league. Is that true??
Regenerate athletes after injuries faster?
"Avoiding cold in sports", "Do not continue training with muscle strain" or "In case of sore muscles easy training": Among physical active many sports myths are in circulation. Some of them are controversial, others are the opinion of experts clearly. For example, it is generally accepted that you should get back into the game after an injury break. Athletes who were in top form, this is easier anyway: They are faster fit after an injury than untrained. At the very least that says the widely held opinion. But according to experts, that's not right.

"The muscle forgives nothing"
"If you lie in bed for six weeks, your muscle will mercilessly degrade," explained Prof. Dieter Felsenberg, head of the Center for Muscle and Bone Research at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin in a report by the dpa news agency. In a 100-meter runner who has injured, the muscles are broken down as quickly as others. "The muscle forgives nothing." The muscle mass can indeed be restored in a very short time, but performance and function is not. In athletes, this may take even longer, because the demands on the muscles are higher.
Professionals are better cared for
If you follow the sporting events, but can easily create the impression that professionals such as the football players from the Bundesliga, after muscle and ligament injuries pretty soon back on the court. According to the experts, one does not necessarily deceive oneself either. "The conditions make the difference," says Felsenberg. After all, a professional footballer has a whole team of therapists around and can spend all day dedicated to regeneration. The average gas consumer looks different. (Ad)