Sports and their risk of injury

The most popular sports - and their risk of injury
In the course of the popular fitness and health wave, there has been a significant increase in sports in recent years. However, as the number of athletes grows, so does the incidence of sports injuries and sports-related overuse injuries. med. Wolfgang Renschler, Section Director of the Clinic for Orthopedics and Traumatology of the district hospitals Darmstadt-Dieburg, confirmed. He explains which injuries occur frequently in which sports.
to jog
Running is a popular sport and healthy in moderation. But if you quickly increase your workout range, you increase your risk of injury to your muscles. „Strains are microcracks of collagen fibers, and runners are particularly affected“, explains Dr. med. Renschler. A poor state of training or insufficiently warmed up muscles are the cause. He then recommends a break, good ice cooling and high altitude storage. Otherwise, the injury can spread to a hamstring.
Football is one of the most injurious sports in this country. Frequently, one kinks with the foot, and this can lead to band injuries on the ankle joint as well as injuries to the midfoot. When a metatarsal break swelling and severe pain, so that you can hardly occur. If the bones are clearly displaced or heal very slowly despite immobilization, an operative therapy should also be considered.
To ski
The most common injury in skiers is the cruciate ligament rupture: In flexion or rotation, especially at low speed or standing, there is an unfavorable lever mechanism that can no longer be held by the muscles, and the anterior cruciate ligament tears. The cruciate ligament tear is a severe injury that affects overall knee stability, and is usually associated with severe pain.
If physiotherapy and joint protection training bring no relief, is a possible and common surgical method at the district hospitals Darmstadt-Dieburg the so-called cruciate ligament surgery. Dr. Renschler describes the procedure as follows: „In cross-band sculptures, no plastic is used. Rather, the term stands for cruciate ligament replacement surgery with the body's own material. In the methods we perform, the leg is harvested from the body's own tendon, which is then arthroscopically inserted into the knee as a cruciate ligament. This operation is performed frequently with us.“ Whereas up to a few years ago, large cuts had to be made on the knee joint in order to perform a cruciate ligament surgery, a cut of about 3 cm on the tibial head is now sufficient in addition to the two incisions for arthroscopy. The rehabilitation measures have also changed and shortened.
A torn ligament is one of the most common basketball injuries. According to Dr. Renschler is an effective protection but actually possible: „A well-balanced workout of the tibial musculature and a good stretching of the calf muscles before the sport are in addition to a good footwear an excellent prophylaxis against torn ligaments on the ankle.“ If it comes to the crack, the ankle should be spared for four to six weeks. If several ligaments torn, is also operated.
Mountain biking, inline skating and handball
The last rays of sunshine this year lure mountain bikers and inline skaters into the open. In sportive zealousness, it can easily lead to dangerous falls: The most common injury mechanism is the fall on the outstretched wrist. While in older people usually the spoke breaks in the wrist area, in children and adolescents often the forearm is affected. But handball players, rugby players and goalkeepers are generally predestined for a scaphoid fracture because the scaphoid bone can break through the direct impact of the ball against the hand. „Patients often erroneously assume that the hand is only sprained. But this is not a bruise, but a serious bone injury“, emphasizes Renschler. Fractures of the scaphoid bone can either be immobilized by an adapted forearm splint for six weeks or, if necessary, surgically treated by screwing. An immobilization after surgery is required in the latter case only a few days. To ensure that the joint does not shift, such supplied fractures are for safety's sake, even for several weeks in a forearm braked quiet.
Event: Injuries of the knee joint during sports
Next Friday, the 30th of November, starting at 6 pm, the Groß-Umstadt district clinic invites all interested parties to a training event under the motto „Injuries of the knee joint during sports“ on. For the first time, a live operation of an anterior cruciate ligament surgery by Dr. med. med. Czerny performed. The operation will be broadcast as a videoconference. Invited are all interested and sports people as well as the local doctors of the region.
Dr. med. Schunck, Chief Physician of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, and Section Head med. Renschler lead through the program, senior physician Dr. med. med. Pralle presents the most common sports injuries to the knee. As the cruciate ligament rupture in the acute phase can be diagnosed more accurately, explains the senior physician of the Department of Radiology. med. Wolff. The event will be broadcast live in the OR on a regular basis.The venue is the adjoining room of the cafeteria in the district hospital Groß-Umstadt.