Sports against back pain

Summer: sports in the back check: movement yes, but right!
Summer, sunshine, sunshine - when the holiday season is around the corner, many sports muffle are transformed into exercise professionals. From cycling, swimming and hiking to beach volleyball to golfing, sailing or surfing, on holiday usually everyone tries something out. However, anyone who suffers from back pain before the holidays should think carefully about which sport to choose. Some even promote the development of back pain, which affects at least 80 percent of the German population regularly.
Dr. Ramin Nazemi, board member of orthonet-NRW, a consortium of orthopedic specialists from North Rhine-Westphalia, adds: „Generally, most people do not do enough sport. In turn, lack of exercise is one of the most common causes of back pain.“ Adequate movement leads to better blood circulation and thus to the removal of harmful substances and better nutrient supply. Who wants to have nothing to do with lumbago & Co., needs movement, movement and movement again. Doing sports on holiday is therefore a good start. Everything that happens in the water is particularly suitable. Water polo, diving and swimming strengthen muscles without burdening joints. From water sports such as sailing, surfing, rafting or rowing, people with back pain are best off. Movements of these hobbies usually promote the formation of so-called muscular dysbalances. Muscles develop only on one side of the spine, which leads to bad stress that causes back pain.
The same applies to lifestyle sports such as golfing or sailing. Professional athletes, for example, have to do regular exercises to keep them fit and healthy. In contrast, sports such as hiking, jogging or cycling work wonders - not just in endurance. Even motion sequences strengthen the muscular corset of our back ideally, without burdening joints. For overweight Nordic walking is suitable because it trains not only back but also arms and legs and thus the whole body. For younger sports enthusiasts, inline skating is a good alternative if they keep their bearings. Slightly bent forward, keeping your back straight. „Protectors and helmet are mandatory, not freestyle“, says Dr. Nazemi. Otherwise, the sports trip ends - whether on vacation or at home - quickly in the hospital. (Pm)
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