Sports and Naturopathy in menstrual pain

So complaints can be alleviated before menstruation
Natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle can alleviate complaints of menstrual bleeding, as currently reported by experts of the Professional Association of Gynecologists in Munich (BVF). Endurance sports, long walks and a healthy diet have a positive effect. Instead of using conventional painkillers, herbal remedies can improve symptoms.
Majority of all women know the premenstrual syndrome
Pain before and during menstrual bleeding is referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in gynecology. Many women suffer from complex symptoms every month, usually four to two weeks before menstruation actually occurs. Experts estimate that about one-third of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. According to Dr. M. Harrison are especially women from the age of 30 affected. About 60 percent of all women have ever had menstrual cramps.
According to the professional association of gynecologists, a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables helps to prevent the disease. Regular sports and / or long walks also stimulate blood circulation and have an antispasmodic effect. During the second half of the cycle, sufferers should avoid stress, alcohol and nicotine.
Natural medicine against menstrual cramps
If the instructions are not sufficient, herbal remedies for natural medicine can also be used. The association recommends preparations containing natural active ingredients such as chaste tree, black cohosh, St. John's wort or lemon balm. The funds provide relaxation and anti-spasmodic. If the symptoms are acute BVF also conventional painkillers can be used. Patients suffering particularly hard, in consultation with a specialist in gynecology and hormonal contraceptives such as the pill can be used. Furthermore, the doctors recommend keeping a monthly calendar (PMS calendar). Here, the symptoms can be recorded, as well as the diet, exercise and sleep of each day. Logging makes it easier for the attending gynecologist to locate triggering moments of pain and sleep disorders.
Describe complaints to the doctor exactly
In a consultation with the doctor, women should describe their symptoms in detail. In order to analyze the root cause of the complaints, the gynecologist will check the history of the disease and then make a physical examination. The gynecologist's association recommends his colleagues in addition to make a blood test in order to exclude in case of doubt, hypothyroidism.
Severe menstrual problems can have many causes. In the second half of the cycle, the estrogen level drops, which increases the progesterone. Furthermore, it may be that those affected suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals, move only insufficient or the symptoms are genetically determined. Afflicted until the onset of menstruation suffer from complaints such as water retention, abdominal pain, headache, chest pain, sleep disorders, irritable mood or back pain. (Sb)
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