Sport Get in slowly after injury break

Carefully make a return to the sport
Regular exercise is important as it not only has a positive effect on overall health but also enhances wellbeing. However, those who had to take a break because of an injury or illness for a certain time, should take care when resuming the sporting activity and not start on the old performance level. Instead, on the recommendation of Prof. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne, the body slowly brought back to the old level of performance, while always paying attention to adequate regeneration.
Avoid re-injury or relapse
Torn ligaments, muscle strain or the flu: Recreational athletes who have not been able to train for some time due to an injury or illness, often want to be fit again as soon as possible and return to their former level of performance. But as the head of the Center for Health of the German Sport University Cologne, Prof. Ingo Froböse, opposite the „dpa“ It should be carefully considered and carefully followed in this situation to avoid re-injury or relapse. Therefore, the expert recommends slowly resuming training, ideally structured by a training plan drawn up with the help of the physician. It was important to take into account the cause of the break in training, so if someone had an injury such as torn ligaments or, for example, a flu, Froböse said „dpa“. Otherwise, there is a risk that re-entry may lead to freshly healed injuries or that the immune system will be heavily burdened.
Slowly approach the old training level
Instead, it was important to give the body and muscles time to get used to the training, so that the old training level could be reached again slowly. Also on a sufficient regeneration should always be respected. Therefore, Froböse recommends a combined entry-level training from endurance, light strength and stabilization training in conjunction with appropriate breaks, which are particularly suitable for activities such as light jogging, swimming, walking or cycling.
In sports injuries immediately „PECH Rule“ apply
To avoid sports injuries, according to the scientist especially the right preparation is important, because „most amateur athletes rate their performance too high and exaggerate it. This quickly leads to over-stimulated joints and strains“, explains Froböse in his blog on sports and health topics. Anyone who still hurts, regardless of the type of injury as soon as possible, the simple „PECH Rule“ realize: „PECH stands for break, ice, compression and high camps. Say: Interrupt your physical activity, cool the painful area, put on a not too strong bandage and store your foot, leg or wrist. In this way the blood circulation is improved“, so the tip of the expert. (No)
Picture: Dietmar Meiner