Sport can positively influence cancer therapy

Strengthen with Sport Tumor Cell Defense in Cancer Therapy
Through intensive endurance sports, cancer patients can boost their tumor cell defense. Scientists from the German Sport University Cologne and the University of Cologne inform about this in the Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) Cologne / Bonn. The researchers had 15 cancer patients trained as part of the aftercare for a half marathon. They examined the immune system of the study participants. As it turned out, the physical exertion led to an increase in the number of so-called natural killer cells, which are crucial in tumor defense.
Sport supports the immune system of cancer patients
Cologne scientists have gained new insights into the effect of intensive physical exertion on the immune defense of cancer patients. A total of 30 patients aged 40 and 67 participated in the study. Half of the subjects had breast, colon or prostate cancer. Her therapy was at least a year back. The other half of the subjects, who were healthy, served as a control group. As part of the investigation, the participants had to prepare for a half marathon. Before and after the run, the immune system of the subjects was examined. As it turned out, exhausting physical activity has a positive effect on the body's tumor defense.
While it has long been assumed that sport puts too much strain on cancer patients and thus has a negative effect on the course of the disease, numerous studies have now proven to have the opposite effect. However, not much is known about the exercise dose. „From a scientific point of view, we still have too little knowledge about optimal training control and intensity“, Freerk T. Baumann from the Institute for Cardiovascular Research and Sports Medicine of the German Sport University Cologne. „Therefore, insights are very important to show us how the immune system of cancer patients reacts to physical activity.“
Cancer patients could be better prepared for the recurrence of tumors through sport
Wilhelm Bloch, Director of the Institute for Cardiovascular Research and Sports Medicine of the German Sport University Cologne, reports from his first findings: „The human immune system has defense cells called natural killer cells, which are able to recognize and kill tumor cells.“ Sporty active patients have been shown to have more natural killer cells in their bodies than people who move little. Even strenuous sports such as the half-marathon training of the subjects has no harmful influence according to the scientists. Rather, it can even be health-promoting. However, the individual condition of the patient - his physical condition, the type of cancer and the medical therapy - must be taken into account, the researchers say. „Our research indicates that more capable cancer patients are better equipped to fight the recurrence of their disease. The more enduring and efficient the patients are, the more immune cells remain in the blood and are therefore available to the organism for the defense of the tumor cells, "explains Bloch, according to which Sport is" a therapeutic in cancer therapy "..
„In the use of the body's defenses obviously has a lot of potential in the fight against cancer. In this respect, the topic of 'sports in cancer' has meanwhile gained considerable importance, also because sports and exercise act like a drug without side effects“, reports Gerd Nettekoven, Chief Executive of German Cancer Aid. „Our goal is to gain new scientifically proven insights into the impact of sports in cancer. In addition, we would like to increase the acceptance of targeted physical activity during the treatment phase with medical staff and those affected.“
The scientists presented their results for the first time as part of the current 31st German Cancer Congress of German Cancer Aid and the German Cancer Society. (Ag)
Picture: Tim Reckmann