So-called lifestyle drinks contain far too much sugar

So-called lifestyle drinks contain far too much sugar / Health News
Trend drinks: A can contains almost as much sugar as the recommended daily maximum
In supermarkets, more and more drinks are to be found, which promise a performance-enhancing effect, suitable for athletes or to relax. Consumer advocates have now taken a closer look at several of these lifestyle drinks. The result: Most of them contain too much sugar.

Sugary drinks promote obesity
According to OECD figures, more and more obese people are living in Germany. Obesity in children is also widespread. The reasons have long been known. Many people in this country do not move enough and eat too many high-energy foods. Even sweet soft drinks are often the cause of overweight. In German supermarkets, however, more and more drinks are to be found, which contain far too much sugar.

More and more beverage cans are being found in supermarkets, which are being promoted to help relax or support a sporty and nutrition-conscious lifestyle. Most of these lifestyle drinks contain far too much sugar. (Image: airborne77 /

Consumer advocates studied several lifestyle drinks
In the beverage departments of the supermarkets, there is an ever-increasing selection of beverage cans to support a particular lifestyle.

So some of the chic "styled" energy drinks promise a performance-enhancing effect, especially by adding caffeine.

Others, in turn, promote relaxation or support a sporty and nutrition-conscious lifestyle.

On the cans you can find slogans like "FEEL GOOD. LOOK GOOD "or" Relax. Be positive. Good Happens ".

The consumer center Bremen has now examined several of these lifestyle drinks and found that many of them contain a lot of sugar, sometimes even extremely much.

As much sugar as possible should be consumed maximally per day
Recently, a consumer protection organization "Foodwatch" showed that so-called soft drinks are often the worst liquid fatteners.

Especially in energy drinks is often extremely high in sugar. Thus, a single can, according to the consumer service Bayern contain up to 13 pieces of sugar.

The eleven beverage cans randomly examined by the Bremen consumer advocates also showed that the sugar content in many products is very high.

Seven of the tested drinks contain ten grams of sugar or more in 100 ml. The product "Lupina ginger honey lemon" contains 355 ml and comes to a total sugar content of 42.6 grams.

"Thus, the contents of a can comes quite close to the maximum amount recommended by the World Health Organization per day," said Regina Aschmann of the consumer center Bremen in a statement.

"The recommendation is a maximum of 50 grams of added sugar per day."

Manufacturers advertise with "gluten and lactose-free" drinks
But the problem is not only the high sugar content, but also the numerous advertising promises.

"Not only the drink, but also a certain lifestyle is promoted," says Annabel Oelmann, CEO of the Consumer Center Bremen.

Most are advertised with so-called clean labels. The drinks are gluten- or lactose-free, contain no artificial colors or only natural flavors.

"You should not be tempted to buy these promises," said Oelmann.

"Companies often market" lifestyle "and naturalness, highlighting aspects such as performance, health and well-being. The fact that this is above all clever marketing is shown by the look at the list of ingredients. "

The name of each drink provides information about what it actually is. "It is usually in the vicinity of the list of ingredients and can disenchant sonic fancy names quickly," said Oelmann.

For example, an "innovative drink with the unique Tranquini taste" actually hides a "refreshing drink with herbal extract".

Make delicious drinks yourself
Small fonts, glossy surfaces, and can curls often make it difficult to read important information, such as the ingredient list.

"Nevertheless, you should inform yourself before buying exactly what is contained in each drink," said Aschmann.

For example, pregnant and breastfeeding women and children should abstain from drinks with a high caffeine content. On the products are appropriate references, but these are often difficult to recognize.

Physicians repeatedly warn against the dangers for children and adolescents. Caffeine can lead to heart rate and arrhythmia in too large amounts, in the worst case it can even come to a cardiac arrest.

Bremer Verbraucherschuetzer recommend to invent "chic" beverages simply once at home: Experiment with mineral water, ice cubes, two or three different clear juices, fresh peppermint leaves, a lemon, fresh strawberries and other fruit. "It's fun, healthy and free of additives," said Oelmann. (Ad)