This helps prevent stress and effectively prevent burnout

Stress is a constant companion for many people in everyday life. Not infrequently, sufferers develop mental and physical problems as a result of their constant stress. To avoid this, countermeasures should be taken early. It is important to recognize the excessive stress at an early stage and take appropriate measures to prevent stress.
Excessive mental stress in the job or in the private environment creates stress. "Having short-term stress is normal and not harmful to health," reports the University Hospital Freiburg. This so-called acute stress is part of working life. When stress becomes critical and what can be done prophylactically or in acute situations, explains Professor Claas Lahmann, Medical Director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Freiburg.

Short-term stress harmless
Acute short-term stress, as occurs, for example, in a job interview, according to the results of new basic research is even beneficial in terms of performance and learning, reports the University Hospital Freiburg. But the burden could also be too big, which is accompanied by the feeling that the requirements are no longer up to the task. "The burden is so great that the mental and physical stress no longer withstand the pressure", explains Professor Dr. med. Lahmann.
Stress prevention should take precedence
According to the expert, the best way to combat stress is to avoid it. "Ample sleep, a healthy diet and a little exercise to compensate. Much has already been done with that, "says the stress researcher. Also, increased small breaks at work would help to avoid stress. Here a short conversation with the colleagues about the weekend plans could help as well as getting up in between and drinking a glass of water. Also to stretch the back in between a little, bring a temporary relaxation and then again concentrated work can be continued.
Chronic stress a health risk
According to Professor dr. However, Lahmann is also in demand for executives when it comes to stress, as they can provide significant relief at the workplace. Already the praise of the employees show here effect. This increases motivation and lowers the stress level. If the stress becomes a permanent state or chronic stress, that is unhealthy for our body, Lahmann continues. In addition to mental symptoms, back pain, headaches and neck pain as well as gastrointestinal problems and sleep disturbances should be mentioned as possible signs of chronic stress.
Methods for avoiding stress
As a method to counteract chronic stress, according to Professor Lahm, for example, the progressive muscle relaxation, in which the tension in relaxation should be reversed. "For example, bale your fist for five seconds, release the tension and enjoy the relaxation," explains Professor Dr. med. Lahmann the principle. Stress can also be remedied with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, MBSR for short. Various relaxation methods, such as yoga and meditation, are part of the therapy. In the MBSR, the exercises should help to get involved in situations without evaluating them, so that stress can not even develop, reports Professor Dr. med. Lahmann.
Recognize excessive stress and seek help
To initiate countermeasures, it is first important, according to the expert, to recognize whether people are suffering from chronic stress. "Observe whether complaints occur more frequently or are new," warns Lahmann. For example, a trigger for stress reactions could be a new job. If the stress symptoms are suppressed to permanent status and the problems and then add to feelings such as inner emptiness, according to Prof. Lahmann urgently specialist assistance should be claimed. Because maybe the symptoms are a sign of a burn-out.
Help for burn-out patients
In Freiburg, the special outpatient clinic of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy offers help with burnout. Patients who feel completely burned out can be helped here, says Professor Dr. med. Lahmann. At the outpatient examination and treatment appointments, a detailed discussion takes place with a therapist, in which also diagnostically clarified, which steps follow. For example, a psychotherapy can be initiated, which helps the patient "to overcome their state of exhaustion and to combat stress," explains the Freiburg expert.