This helps strengthen the immune system

What measures can build the immune system? Which are unsuitable?
Numerous measures are credited with a strengthening effect on the immune system, but not everything that is supposedly good for the immune system, meets the expectations. Whether exercise, sauna sessions, lots of vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables or special home remedies - the range of ways to strengthen the immune system is wide. Which unfold a particularly promising effect, doctors now have in a recent release of the news agency „dpa“ compiled.
In fact, people's individual defenses are very different. While some bathe in icy water without even developing any signs of a cold, in others a brief hypothermia is sufficient for others to be in bed for a few days with coughing, runny nose and hoarseness. The reason why people's defenses are so different has not yet been conclusively clarified. In many cases, the hardening is given a special role, but this actually help only little, says Professor Stefan Meuer, Director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Heidelberg, in the press release of the news agency „dpa“. Other measures that demonstrably strengthen the immune system are preferable here.
Immune defense needs to be supplied with nutrients
Hajo Haase from the Institute of Immunology at the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen explained the function of the immune defense „Immune system consists of different cells and soluble factors that fend off pathogens and tumor cells.“ As soon as pathogens have overcome the first natural defense barriers of the body, such as the skin or mucous membranes, a fight by the immune cells, which make them harmless and prevent an increase. In order to ensure the functioning of the immune system, however, the immune system must be supplied with certain nutrients, so Haase on. „For example, if you omit zinc, you will see very clearly which cells are missing and which defense mechanisms are missing“, explained the doctor. Also important are copper, iron and vitamins such as A, C, D and E. According to Haase all ingredients that also belong to a balanced diet.
Diet has a significant effect on the immune system
The quoted physicians in the news release of the news agency agree that the diet has a significant effect on the immune system. When asked if the diet affects the immune system, Prof. Stefan Meuer answered: „Definitely yes, but we still do not know how.“ Because the intestinal flora plays a crucial role in the metabolism of the ingested food. Billions of bacteria form the so-called microbiome, ie the totality of microorganisms that live on and in the human body. Its composition can vary widely from person to person, which means that the intestinal flora is subject to considerable individual differences. „Targeted nutritional changes can only be detected once the microbiome has been decrypted“, emphasized Prof. Meuer. This could take a few more years. Therefore, be currently „most insider tips on nutrition pure speculation.“
Mixed diet with the strongest effect on the immune system
Karsten Krüger from the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Gießen said that given the nutrients needed by the immune system, it was considered to be secure, „that normal mixed diet has a maximum effect on the immune system.“ Hajo Haase also stressed that a healthy diet is important for good defenses. However, individual foods do not allow a targeted influence on the body's defenses. Using the example of the chicken soup, he explained that although the patients sometimes feel better with the supply of nutrients, salt and a little warmth, the chicken soup has a rather short-term effect on the general condition and does not affect the immune system.
Sport strengthens the immune system
The physicians also agreed that sport has a positive influence on the immune system. „Moderate training - swimming, cycling or jogging - strengthens the immune system regardless of rain, snow or sun“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the statement by Karsten Krüger. „We assume that we stimulate and stimulate the immune system a bit with each workout. Then it works better“, explained the sports physician. Furthermore, sport can help reduce stress, which also has a positive effect on the immune system. According to Prof. Meuer, permanent stress causes the body to release more cortisol, which suppresses the immune system. „Mental well-being is therefore very important“, continue like this.
Curing without demonstrable effect on the immune system
To possible hardening measures, such as the sauna or walks in the drizzle professor Meuer explained, it gives here „not a single scientific study showing that hardening has an impact on the immune system.“ Nevertheless, there was a positive effect of the hardening measures, as, for example, regular sauna visits or cold water baths improve the body's own thermoregulation, added Karsten Krüger. So the body can cool more easily in the summer and conserve its heat capacity in winter. „But that's more than just going for a walk in the rain. The effect becomes scientifically visible only when one goes to extremes“, Krüger continues.
Naturopathy offers numerous approaches to strengthening the immune system
Regrettably, the contribution of the news agency does not elaborate on natural approaches to strengthening the immune system, such as self-blood therapy, hydrotherapy or herbal remedies, although these are widely used in practice. Here, in accordance with the holistic approach of naturopathy, the combination of mental and physical well-being is often specifically addressed, which should at least have a positive effect on the immune system in the sense of Prof. Meuer, at least through the reduction of stress. (Fp)
Picture: Daisies