Smoothies with lots of fruit and a third of vegetables

Smoothies with lots of fruit and a third of vegetables / Health News

Not too much greens for smoothies - otherwise they will be bitter


Smoothies are healthy, full and should be nice. Especially the green smoothies have attracted celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Gwyneth Paltrow and Colin Farrell. You should swear on the vitamin bombs. Meanwhile, smoothies are no longer a fad, but an integral part of the offer of cafes, bars and restaurants. The finished version is also available in the cooling rule in the supermarket. On the occasion of the agricultural fair „Green Week“ (January 16 to 25) spoke the news agency „dpa“ with the smoothie expert and chef Harald Hoppe on the vitamin-rich drinks.

Healthy green smoothies with fruits and vegetables
Green smoothies are fast becoming too strict if you use too much vegetables, lettuce and herbs for them. Two thirds should therefore consist of fruit. „As a basis for green smoothies, I use a banana, an apple and an orange, "explains Hoppe, adding kale or raw broccoli and mashing everything in a blender, adding a few basil leaves to complete the flavor.

Hoppe advises not to drink more than 200 milliliters of glass as the green smoothies hit some on the stomach. „Also in stock I should not do more. Green smoothies oxidize quickly, "says the chef. „They contain 50 to 60 calories per 100 milliliters. That's more than a coke. "For a small snack in between, they are therefore quite high in calories - depending on what is included in the drink.

Green smoothies as a diet?
The inventor of the green smoothie diet, Victoria Boutenko, based the diet of monkeys on her diet concept. Because the animals eat only green leaves and little fruits and are never sick. In fact, green leaves are hard to decompose food for human digestion. Therefore, Boutenko advises to purée the vegetables. In this way, spinach, Swiss chard, black cabbage, rocket, leaves of carrots and wild herbs are easier to digest. (Ag)

Picture: Daisies