Sweet Potatoes Many reasons why the tuber is very healthy and wholesome

Sweet Potatoes Many reasons why the tuber is very healthy and wholesome / Health News
Sweet potatoes: Many good reasons for healthy tubers
While sweet potato has long been one of the staple foods in many parts of the world, it has often been grown here only as an ornamental plant. Meanwhile, the vegetables but as a regular "Power Food" is becoming increasingly popular. Nutrition experts, food bloggers, home cooks and cooking professionals have plenty of reasons to speak for the healthy tuber.
Sweet potatoes are extremely nutritious
Sweet potatoes, which are also called Batate, are now no longer found only in the vegetable counters of health food stores but also increasingly in well-stocked supermarkets. Actually, they are not potatoes at all. While the usual potatoes belong to the nightshade family, the sweet potato is a wind plant. The vegetables, formerly an exclusive exotic, are becoming more and more popular. That there are many good reasons for this was also confirmed by the US consumer protection organization "Center for Science in the Public Interest" (CSPI)..

The organization, which caused a worldwide sensation just a few months ago with a video showing how dangerous coke and soft drinks are, made the sweet potato the most nutritious vegetable.

Very healthy and versatile. Picture: karepa - fotolia

Vitamins and minerals
In fact, sweet potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals. In the past, researchers were particularly interested in the substance Caiapo, which is mainly contained in the shell of the Batata. According to research, this substance improved the cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. In a contribution of the Internet portal "20min.ch" further advantages are listed. So the Batata also contains many healthy phytochemicals. The sweet potato owes its pink to yellow-orange or violet color antioxidants such as the carotenoids and anthocyanins, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Powerfood for pregnant women
Due to its increased fiber content, the Batate is also a good satiety. According to the portal, they are helpful in the prevention of heart disease because of the high potassium content. For expectant mothers, they are the ideal power food. When asked what is allowed on the diet during pregnancy, many nutritionists answer: definitely sweet potatoes. They contain a great deal of folate (natural folic acid), which is indispensable for the healthy development of embryo cells and embryonic tissue.

Because of the high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene, the vegetables are also an excellent contribution to strengthen the immune system. Since the human body consumes potassium during stress, you can replenish supplies with plenty of sweet potatoes and strengthen your nerves. There are other good reasons to be sufficiently supplied with the important mineral: In addition to magnesium deficiency, potassium deficiency is one of the main reasons for cramps and muscle injuries.

Tuber tastes raw delicious
But not only health arguments speak in favor of sweet potatoes. They simply taste delicious and can be prepared in countless variations. Even in raw form they are - wonderfully sweet - to enjoy. You can bake them in the oven, grill or process to sweet potato fries. Depending on the dish, the vegetables can be refined with a little salt, coriander, ginger, coconut oil, chilli or a few lime splashes. By the way, for potatos as well as for the conventional tuber, the potato peel can be eaten as well.

When shopping, make sure that sweet potatoes do not have wet or soft spots. This could be an indication of germs. Small to medium-sized tubers are usually tender, thick rather fibrous. Sweet potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator, but at room temperature in an airy-dry, light-protected place. When stored optimally, they will last at least two to three weeks. (Ad)