Scandinavian smoked salmon with Listeria

Scandinavian smoked salmon with Listeria / Health News

Baltic Sea fish recalls Premium Scandinavian Smoked Salmon 200g from the trade


The fish manufacturer Ostsee Fisch has started a recall of its product Baltic Sea Fish Premium Scandinavian Smoked Salmon 200g. According to the company, the batch with a consumption date of 16 September 2012 may contain pathogenic microorganisms. Consumers are called upon to eat the salmon in any case, but return it for reimbursement of the purchase price to the dealer. The consumption could have health consequences, as emphasized by the Baltic Sea Fisch GmbH & Co. Produktions- und Vertriebs KG (near Rostock).

Consumers who use the „Premium Scandinavian smoked salmon“ bought 200g with the number 3521B in the packaging, should not consume this in any case. In a routine study pathogenic microorganisms Listeria monocytogenes were detected in the laboratory.

The bacteria of the strain Listeria can lead to listeriosis. The infectious disease manifests itself with flu-like symptoms such as limb pain, headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain. As you progress, fever and paralysis may occur. In some cases, the disease has already led to death. While healthy people excrete the Listeria germs without complications, however, groups of people with a weakened immune system are particularly at risk. This includes pregnant women, children and the elderly. Pregnant women are generally discouraged from eating raw meat or fish anyway, as they are particularly prone to serious illness.

As the company emphasized, only the named batch is affected by the recall. All other varieties and batches can be consumed without problems. The smoked salmon is sold especially in the federal states of Hesse, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. „Other codes can be consumed carefree.“ (Sb)

Image: Henrik Gerold Vogel