Scandal Horse meat discovered in Hamburg

Scandal Horse meat discovered in Hamburg / Health News

Scandal about horse meat in the hamburger in Ireland and the UK


Hamburgers with shares of horsemeat were sold in Ireland and the UK in the supermarket. The alleged beef burger contained sometimes just under 30 percent horse meat, reports the news channel „BBC“. Pork residues have also been detected by the competent food control authorities in several hamburgers.

In addition to the discounters Iceland, Tesco and Dunnes stores have loud „BBC“ Aldi and Lidl also sell the contaminated burgers. How horse meat could get into the hamburger is so far unclear. The DNA was discovered by horses and pigs in the supposed beef burgers at food inspections in Ireland. Professor Alan Reilly, head of the Irish Food Inspectorate FSAI, told the „BBC“, that while it does „give a plausible explanation for the presence of swine DNA in these products as meat from different animals is processed in the same meat processing plants.“ However, give „At this time there is no clear explanation for the presence of horse DNA in meat factory products that are not horse meat in their production processes“ to have.

Horse and pig DNA in beef burger
While horsemeat is a veritable delicacy in some countries around the world, it is „In Ireland, not part of the culture of eating horse meat, and therefore we do not expect to find this in a burger“, Prof. Reilly explained the massive public indignation about the case. The Irish Food Safety Authority reports that the meat comes from two processing plants in the Republic of Ireland. A total of 27 Burger products were analyzed, ten of which had traces of equine DNA and contained 23 porcine DNA. The proportion of horsemeat reached 29 percent for individual hamburgers.

Unacceptable contamination of beef products
According to the authorities, "no health damage is to be feared", but for many consumers, "the thought of eating horse meat arouses massive feelings of disgust". The same applies to Muslims or people of Jewish beliefs about pork, whose consumption strictly prohibits their religion. The frequency with which the percentage of pork is actually contained in beef products has been confirmed by subsequent investigations by the FSAI. Here, in 21 out of 31 beef products, porcine DNA was detected. Two out of three beef products are therefore contaminated with pork. For people who renounce pork for religious reasons, an intolerable condition, explained Prof. Alan Reilly.

Affected hamburgers were taken out of the sale immediately
While the explanation for the detection of swine DNA in hamburgers seems relatively simple, the sometimes extremely high horse meat content is currently a mystery to the authorities. A share of sometimes just under 30 percent horsemeat suggests the suspicion that here willfully horses were slaughtered and processed. However, such assumptions are not yet verifiable. The affected discounters reacted immediately and removed the products from the sale. On demand of „BBC“ For example, Aldi explained that those affected by them „Oakhurst Beef Burgers“ only for sale in Ireland and immediately removed from the market after notification.

How could the horse meat get into the hamburger?
Raymond Ellard, director of consumer protection at the FSAI, told the „BBC“, that the companies „on a voluntary basis they have withdrawn products from the sale“ and in total „a very responsible attitude“ taking. The discount store „cooperate fully with the authorities“, to investigate how horsemeat could get into the hamburger, Ellard emphasized. Here you have to go through „a long chain of inquiries“ clarify which raw materials have been processed, where they came from and whether cross-contamination could have occurred. (Fp)

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Picture: peppermint_sue