Scandal organs sold by minors

Scandal organs sold by minors / Health News

Scandal: In South Africa organs were taken from minors to sell them later.

A renowned clinic in South Africa has taken organs from children for years to sell them later. Trading in organs is not an isolated case but is increasing worldwide.

Illegal organ trade in South Africa
A South African clinic claims to have pleaded guilty to having removed organs from minors for years to later sell them at a profit. According to the South African Police, the hospital has already pleaded guilty to multiple organ trafficking. The Netcare KwaZulu clinic in KwaZulu-Natal proves guilty of illegal organ trafficking. Instead of having the clinic closed and those responsible brought to justice, the clinic only has to pay a fine of around 8 million rand, which is the equivalent of about 800,000 euros.

Organ trade took place between 2001 and 2003
The illegal organ trade took place between 2001 and 2003. All in all, according to the clinic, five minors were removed from vital organs. After the self-report, the state has rejected appropriate investigations and allegations. This was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the Netcare Hospital. According to this, large sums of money were accepted for illegal kidney donations. The clinic is by no means a small institution. On the contrary, "Netcare" operates numerous high-profile hospitals and medical facilities throughout South Africa. Whether it was prevented by the self-admittance that the actual extent becomes public is to be assumed, but can not be confirmed by the termination of the procedure.

Robbery on human organs in the Third World
For years, the illegal organ trade has exploded, especially in the so-called Third World and emerging countries. It is reported repeatedly that organs are bought for money or against other forms of reward and transplanted to solvent patients. Reliable findings are available, for example, from Brazil, India and China. In Brazil and South Africa, illegal organ traffickers have already been convicted. The Total Indian Society for Voluntary Organ Donation believes that more than 100,000 illegal kidney transplants have been made in the last 25 years alone. The donors receive the equivalent of just 750 to 1000 euros. Most of the recipients of these organs are empires from the USA, Europe, Saudi Arabia or Israel. According to some backers were paid for organs between 30 and 250 thousand euros for a kidney.

In order to provide well-to-do patients with donor organs, there was a veritable murder of street children in order to remove organs, according to an ARD report in Africa in 2009. Affected by these inhuman „Ausschlachtungen“ According to unconfirmed statements, were destitute children from Mozambique. But it is also reported from countries such as Egypt that children and adults were abducted to remove the organs. Police authorities subsequently found the bodies without organs. The local police authorities are so far seemingly powerless to trade in organs. Such beastly practice continues to take place all over the world. The policy of the Western industrialized countries should finally begin to assist the authorities in the investigation, so that such trade will be made impossible in the future. (sb, 10.11.2010)

Picture credits: Jörg Klemme, Hamburg