Simpler Rechentrick The shoe size can calculate the age
Spectacular number trick: How to calculate the age by shoe size
How old someone is is no longer necessarily apparent in externals. For example, today many women are still attractive and fit at the age of 50. Very few people would come up with the idea that the shoe size can shed light on how old someone really is. That this is so, shows a reckless trick that is currently on the Internet makes the rounds.
Age nowadays often no longer recognizable by externals
At the times of life is often no longer recognizable how old a person is. On average, seniors today are more fit than ever before. Even outward appearances are often no longer accurate conclusions. One way to find out how old someone really is is to have feet - or rather, the size of the shoes. This sounds unbelievable at first. But with a reckless trick that is currently making the rounds in the net, this is actually possible. The trick with which one can determine the age based on the shoe size, will cheer up so many sociable round.
Excite friends with a mathematical bauble
With the simple mathematical gimmick can be sure to bring a lot of fun in the round with friends. The trick with which one can calculate the age of the opponent over the shoe size, causes on the Internet just a lot of attention. If you want to try it, you should do better. The formula only works if the person did not have their birthday this year. If you want to try, if you get the right result, here are the steps:
Calculate age based on shoe size
First, note down the shoe size of the person whose age is to be calculated. It does not matter if European, British or American. This number is multiplied by five, and 50 is added to the result. This result is multiplied by 20 and the number 1015 added. From this result, the year of birth is finally subtracted. The final result then shows the shoe size in the first two digits and then the age of the person concerned.
Simple calculation example
The formula is calculated as follows: (Shoe size x 5 + 50) x 20 + 1015 - Year of birth. Please note the rule "point before line". Here is a calculation example for a man aged 45 and with shoe size 46: (46 x 5 + 50) x 20 + 1015 - 1970 = 4645. The trick behind it is simple: The shoe size is first multiplied by five and then by 20 Thus, with a total of 100. For the assumed shoe size of 46, this results in the number 4600. The first two digits represent the size of the shoes.
If you had a birthday this year
A bit trickier is the fact how it comes to the right age. This is because first 50 is multiplied by 20 and then 1015 are added to these 1000s. Of these 2015, the year of birth is deducted, and this is logically the age of the person. That's why the formula works only for those who did not have their birthday this year. For those who have been celebrating this since the beginning of the year, add 1016 instead of 1015. (Ad)