Mental suffering Conscious breathing helps

Mental suffering Conscious breathing helps / Health News
For body and mind: How to learn conscious breathing
By inhaling and exhaling, we oxygenate our bodies and release carbon dioxide. Most people do not consciously perceive this natural process. Only when it comes to health problems, concerned with breathing. There are good reasons to breathe consciously. You can also learn this easily.

Reduce stress through proper breathing
Breathing is vital not only for the supply of oxygen, it also says a lot about our internal state of tension. When we are under stress or in a hurry, she often becomes flat and hectic. You can counteract that. According to experts, stress can be reduced by proper breathing. In Far Eastern techniques such as yoga, qigong or meditation proper breathing is an important part. Trainers can help to learn to breathe consciously.

Proper breathing can help to reduce stress and counterbalance mental imbalance. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Consciously perceive your own breath
Many people do not bother with breathing until they lose their breath. Some sufferers can then help with respiratory therapy.

Jürg Roffler, who works as a respiratory therapist in Berlin and in Berkeley, California, said in a message from the dpa news agency: "The goal is to consciously regain one's breath and give it space."

According to the expert, there are different approaches within respiratory therapy. For example, respiratory physiotherapy is a treatment option for bronchial asthma and other lung diseases or cystic fibrosis.

Counteract mental imbalance
However, there are also more pedagogically therapeutic concepts such as the so-called "Breathable Breath" according to Ilse Middendorf.

"This concept is not only aimed at the sick, but at every human being," explained Roffler. The therapist sees this method as an opportunity to regain more self-awareness, to consciously perceive and, for example, counteract a mental imbalance.

According to the expert, the breath is not only closely connected with the body, but also with the mind.

Simultaneous perception of inside and outside
In the agency message, an example of an exercise is also cited: While you are rolling from a standing down the spine slowly down and thereby draws attention to the breathing movement.

Then roll up again. As Roffler emphasized, his eyes remain open. "The simultaneous perception of inside and outside is one of them," says the expert according to dpa.

Anyone interested in respiratory therapies will find them in physiotherapeutic practices, speech therapists and other respiratory therapists.

Classic among the breathing exercises
There are many more breathing exercises that can achieve a sense of relaxation within a few minutes. A "classic" is the conscious counting of the breaths, whereby, for example, inhaled and exhaled for four seconds.

It is important not to put yourself under pressure during such an exercise or to hold your breath for too long - instead you should inhale through the nose as calmly and evenly as possible and through the mouth.

The aim is to consciously perceive the breathing, it often helps to lay your hand on the stomach and to breathe deeply - as if you want to "inhale" a pleasant scent.

Also the exhalation should be as intense as possible, often it helps to imagine how to blow out a candle. Nevertheless, it is important to keep the right amount - so to increase from time to time, but not to overburden. (Ad)