Mental suffering is explored in major projects

Mental suffering is explored in major projects / Health News

Major research projects on mental suffering


Mental suffering increasingly causes lost work in Germany and is now the most common reason for early retirement and the second leading cause of disability. The federal government now provides 35 million euros for a research project on mental illness.

Most common reason for early retirement
People who suffer from a mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder or alcohol addiction usually suffer significant loss of quality of life. In addition, these mental disorders are costing the healthcare system tremendously. Meanwhile, such ailments in Germany are the most common reason for early retirement and the second leading cause of disability. The „Osnabrück newspaper Neue Zeitung writes that it is obvious, „that the number of workers retiring earlier because of a mental illness has risen by 25,000 over the past ten years.“ Almost 15 percent of all sick leave can be attributed to mental illness. And the trend is rising.

35 million euros over the next four years
In the summer of this year, the Federal Ministry of Research therefore launches a new research network on mental illness, providing a total of 35 million euros over the next four years. Nine research groups were selected from 46 applications for research. Two of them are coordinated by Dresden scientists.

Early detection and early intervention of manic-depressive disorders
The projects, directed by Professor Michael Bauer from the University Hospital of the TU Dresden, deal with bipolar disorders, also known as manic-depressive disorders. These disorders are associated with strong mood and activity fluctuations between high (manic) and deep (depressive). „These diseases are often not recognized in medical practice“, so the physician to the „Saxon newspaper“. It takes an average of eight years to diagnosis, which represents a high additional burden for those affected. „We are concerned with improved early detection and intervention.“ The researchers want to detect, among other things, the genetic fingerprint of the diseases, identify early warning signs for the rare relapses and enable a more targeted, personalized medication. Bauer emphasizes that the five-million-euro network of eight partners is investigating bipolar disorders in a major project for the first time.

Treatment programs against anxiety attacks
In another project, a team led by Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the TU Dresden, is investigating anxiety disorders. The researchers from Dresden are developing new treatment programs that enable patients to train for example so-called extinguishing mechanisms against anxiety attacks. Genetic and imaging studies are designed to help scientists better understand the disease. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, up to 40 percent of people experience mental illness at least once during their lifetime. According to DAK, there were 208 missing days in Saxony for every 100 insured in 2012 because of mental suffering. That was around 13 percent more than the year before. (Ad)

Picture: Rosi v. Dannen