Sweet dried fruits High in calories, but extremely healthy snack

Sweet dried fruits High in calories, but extremely healthy snack / Health News
Valuable nutrients: dried fruits are high in calories and healthy at the same time
You do not always have to grab chocolates or biscuits when you're ready for sweets. A much healthier alternative is dried fruit. However, this also has a relatively large amount of calories.

Healthy dried fruits on the go
As a snack for the hike or for the energy boost in the break: Dried fruits are easy to transport and therefore sometimes better suited than fresh fruit. Dehydrated fruit is also used in the kitchen and is often an important part of various baking and cooking recipes. Dried fruits are a perfect match for breakfast in warm cereal porridge. You also do something good for your body: Dried fruits promote good health. But they also have a small disadvantage.

Dried fruits are higher in calories than fresh fruits, but contain very high concentrations of minerals, trace elements and fiber. (Image: Brent Hofacker / fotolia.com)

A kilo of apple rings from ten kilos of apples
Dried fruit is significantly higher in calories than fresh fruit, explains the consumer service Bavaria: "From ten kilos of apples to get about a kilo of apple rings, in apricots, the mass shrinks to one sixth, in plums, the ratio is 3: 1. At the same time, the sugar content rises to 60 to 70% ", write the experts on their website.

Minerals are retained during drying
But they still contain a lot of healthy nutrients: While the drying process destroys most of the sensitive vitamin C, other vitamins and, above all, minerals are retained, "writes the consumer service.

In dried fruit therefore very high concentrations of minerals, trace elements and fiber are found.

Sugar does not get into the blood that quickly
Dried apricots, for example, contain a great deal of iron, just under four milligrams per hundred grams. And with figs, the calcium content is particularly high: just a handful covers a quarter of the daily requirement. Dried papaya are particularly rich in potassium and phosphorus.

Important to know: "The fruit's own sugar provides energy for nerves and muscles." The sugar gets - unlike sweets - not so fast in the blood. As a result, the blood sugar level rises slowly and saturates longer.

Fumigated fruits not suitable for all people
When buying dried fruits you should pay attention to the additives. Dried fruit is often sulphurized, which is why B vitamins (especially B1 and folic acid) are destroyed. In addition, sulfur is a concern for sensitive people with skin allergies and asthma. Sulfur must be indicated on the package. (Ad)