Serious side effects of analgesics

Serious side effects of analgesics / Health News

Effect and risk of painkillers


ASA (aspirin), paracetamol, ibuprofen or diclofenac can be found in almost every household in Germany. It is estimated that 3.8 million Germans swallow analgesics every year and thus save themselves many a trip to the doctor. However, experts warn against the painkilling pills like „lollies“ apply. Many supplements can cause serious side effects such as stomach bleeding, respiratory problems and even a heart attack.

Instead of taking painkillers, go to the doctor first
„Even simple painkillers should never be taken without medical advice. It makes far more sense to first have an exact diagnosis, "explains Gerhard Müller-Schwefel, President of the German Society for Pain Therapy, to the news agency „dpa“. Many people take pain medication too often and are not aware of possible side effects and consequences. „It's just aspirin“, Doctors hear too often. Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) advises to take over-the-counter painkillers for a maximum of three consecutive days. In addition, the application should not be more frequent than ten times a month.

„By and large, the Germans deal responsibly with painkillers, "says Professor Kay Brune of the German Pain Society to the news agency. „Nevertheless, there is abuse. "Anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used, including acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, aspirin), diclofenac, and ibuprophen, which are available over-the-counter at the pharmacy and are therefore falsely referred to by laymen „harmless“ classified. Anti-inflammatory analgesics prevent the formation of painkillers, counteract inflammation and also reduce fever. „Anti-inflammatories are the most commonly used, but have a lot of complications, "emphasizes Müller-Schwefel. „That they are over-the-counter does not make them harmless medications.“ Thus, the intake can increase the risk of stomach bleeding and heart attacks.

Risk of damaging effects of anti-inflammatory analgesics increases with age
„The anti-inflammatory agents mentioned suppress the warning symptom of pain and hinder the healing, "Brune adds, adding that the drugs would inhibit prostaglandins, the body's own protective hormones. „They are there, for example, to protect the gastrointestinal tract, the kidney and the cardiovascular system. "Müller-Schwefel also emphasizes: „Such medications change the body sustainably. You do not have to panic, but they are not lollipops. "

Generally, however, the damaging effect depends heavily on the age of the patient, the form of therapy and the dosage of the analgesic, reports Brune. Healthy, young people were less at risk if they swallowed now and then a painkiller. However, the risk increases with age. „Unfortunately, it's the elderly who need their daily pain killers to cope with the daily challenges. "

Paracetamol damages the liver
Paracetamol acts only in the central nervous system and not like ASA, diclofenac or iboprofen in the inflammatory areas. In particular, paracetamol is but for some time often in the criticism. In an interview published in 2012, Brune said that a drug such as acetaminophen would no longer be approved today. Damage to the liver could already occur from a daily dose of four grams. Paracetamol is a drug that can be lethal even with little overdose, Brune told the magazine. It was not a nice death, as it dragged on for several days. The drug expert pleaded for taking the drug off the market.

To the news agency Brune reports that the active ingredient is often contained in combination preparations and thus the dosage for patients and doctors is difficult. „Therefore, it can easily lead to overdoses. "As acetaminophen has a toxic effect on the liver, patients with liver damage should resort to another active ingredient, even if they are severely underweight or have chronic muscle diseases.

In addition, only in recent years has been found that acetaminophen as well as ibuprofen or diclofenac cause an inhibition of the protective hormones and thus also have the problems of the so-called prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, so Brune ...

Opiates are prescribed as a painkiller for chronic pain
Other painkillers dock on the opiate receptors throughout the body - the nervous system, the periphery, inflamed tissues, the spinal cord, and the brain. This type of pain medication is prescription. Mostly a special recipe is required. Normally, doctors prescribe the opiates only for chronic pain, for example, after serious accidents or cancer. Brune reports that the painkillers would also be prescribed if in rheumatic conditions no other therapy provided sufficient relief. The active ingredients contained in these agents are derived from morphine. „They have their own problems and are rightly only on prescription, mostly on special recipes to obtain. Their addictive potential is great. "The opiates can cause weight loss, nausea, respiratory disorders and many other health problems.

Other types of analgesics include antiepileptic drugs and co-analgesics. Antiepileptic drugs are used for nerve injuries, infections and metabolic disorders, Müller-Schwefel reports. They have a stabilizing effect on the membrane of the nerve cells. These painkillers prescribe doctors when nerves send pain information, although in fact there is no injury.

Analgesic co-analgesics are not actually analgesics. „They act on the sodium ion channels and are able to relax the muscles, "explains the expert, for example, antidepressants.

Image: Sara Hegewald