Do not ignore heavy fatigue despite enough sleep These are the backgrounds!

Do not ignore heavy fatigue despite enough sleep These are the backgrounds! / Health News

Constantly tired despite sufficient sleep

Do you still feel tired after eight hours of sleep and often yawn? The cause can be a serious illness. Eight hours a night are still considered the standard recommendation of the medical profession when it comes to sleep. But there are people who go to bed early, even sleep ten hours or more, only to feel drained, exhausted, and tired the next morning.

If this happens regularly, it is called a "chronic fatigue". It extends into the day and indicates a more serious cause than "only" sleep deprivation. The following serious diseases are considered as a reason for leaden fatigue.

Chronic fatigue may indicate a lack of nutrients. (Picture: sebra /

iron deficiency

Anyone who feels constantly limp and just does not get up to speed should have their iron value checked. Chronic fatigue can indicate that you have too little of the vital trace element in your blood. The result: The red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen between the body cells. Especially women are often affected by iron deficiency, according to the German Medical Association.
Other signs include:

  • hair loss,
  • lack of concentration,
  • paleness.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Even with a lack of vitamin B12 it comes to the above-mentioned complaints. Therefore, it is difficult to determine exactly what is missing from the body. Therefore, it is best to clarify both the iron and vitamin B12 levels in the blood picture. Especially vitamin B12 is in animal foods like

  • liver,
  • herring,
  • salmon,
  • beef,
  • milk and milkproducts,
  • wobble

contain. Therefore, vegetarians or vegans are most often affected by a deficiency.


Permanent fatigue and exhaustion can also be indications of an onset of diabetes. Due to insulin resistance, the body is no longer able to properly metabolize the carbohydrate rate from food and convert it into energy for the body's cells. After the blood count, discuss the blood sugar level with your doctor!

The blood picture provides information about nutrient deficiency. (Image: StudioLaMagica /

Too little movement

Anyone who sits in front of the screen all day in the office and prefers to sit on the sofa in front of the TV in the evening, instead of doing some sports, does not have to wonder if he gets tired and lethargic. It has been proven that even moderate exercise (especially in the fresh air) can reduce states of exhaustion and get the circulation going again.

Too little liquid

Doctors recommend adults to consume one and a half liters of water per day. Even more so, when you are ill, exercise a lot or have high outside temperatures. After all, the cells in the body can only function and function properly if they are supplied with enough fluid.


Hay fever sufferers know it - when the pollen fly, they have no choice but to take anti-allergenic drugs to stem the immune response. Unfortunately, some antihistamines have the disadvantage of making you very sleepy. Therefore, it is best to take these before going to bed at night.


When the thyroid gland fails, the whole body is affected. Because the inconspicuous organ is an important hormone switching center, which controls not only the metabolism, but also other processes in the body.
In under-function, not enough of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are produced, which has a negative effect on various other body organs. When fatigue persists and other symptoms like

  • sensitivity to cold,
  • Weight gain or
  • listlessness

In addition, a visit to the doctor is advisable. (Fs)